Thursday, April 16, 2020

Practice Spanish during the pandemic lock down/Carlos Pueblo

Practice Spanish during the pandemic lock down/Carlos Pueblo

During the Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona virus pandemic lock down, I must add some activities in order to avoid the boring daily life. Speaking Spanish can fill up that gap. What I can do in speaking Spanish is very limited, I can count the numbers, I can say the greeting without thinking, and I am in practice with weather, etc. I am also in my review of verbs conjugation. Well learned people call Spanish as local, local people and local language with a reason because the history of Texas. I like to learn different languages because that is my habit. I can speak my native tongue Taiwanese, Chinese Mandarin, and manage English and I also have an ambition to learn Japanese and Tagalog, the Filipino which my adopted daughters have taught me while at the ship.

I started my Spanish lessons when I was idle from my job some time ago yet the progress was limited. It is because that I have not work as hard as learning English and also due to aging that I am not as sharp as before. I would pop up daily greeting and answer their greeting politely and with difficulty to continue the conversation. Then it is up to me to offer some words to continue the conversation and I don't believe they have different thoughts but admiration that I dare to speak their language. It is very fun. One day, I was at Arthur's eye surgeon's office, a front desk nurse pop up an English/Chinese idiom, Long time no see that is meant it has been a long while since we have seen each other. I surprised her by offering her to say it in Spanish, Hace mucho tiempo que no nos vemos, which was a sentence my professora made it on the black board to answer my curiosity. The other morning, a group of landscape company of three came in to fill the mulch in the yard and was drizzle. I said it was raining in present participation sentence in Spanish to the owner and he was very surprised and reminded his co-workers what I could do in Spanish. Since then, I decide to work so more to improve my ability to that language.

It is also very fun when I make a trip to the Spanish speaking country, I can negotiate some with the vendor and also force some French speaker to take all what I have had in Spanish. I know that they can understand Spanish. French is another language that I love to get into it.

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