Monday, September 30, 2019








The second day back to NYC 2019/Carlos Pueblo

The second day back to NYC 2019/Carlos Pueblo

The Metropolitan Museum of Fine Art is one of the most often places which I have visited in NYC. Yong provided me his zip code in order to get a local resident status to pay a discount admission while previously, I could direct the cashier how much to donate. It is now mandatory, no resident asked for $20 with 10% senior discount. We went out to have a simple breakfast at a donuts shop, then he drove me to visit a park near by the bay. Staten Island was an old landfill of NYC with plenty of Italian immigrants at the beginning. Now, it is a mixed race of several international with half a million population. Because of the Staten Island light rail system, many Asian Indian American utilize it to commute to Manhattan work place, of course via the Staten Island ferry.

I managed to make it to the west side museum before noon and prepare to answer the zip code after a safety inspection of my backpack and cameras. The cashier required a photo identification to prove my residency; therefore, I decided not to spend the money and walked out into the Central park instead. I only enjoy my learning by a minimum cost, i.e.,
visiting local art gallery or the British Museum, etc. they are all free of charge. It was a beautiful day and shaded benches were mostly occupied and finally, I found one to share with another person in front of a pond full of battery powered toy sail boats. A pair of pretty girls were taking photos with a light reflection board with a photographer. A girl wore a traditional dress with a bonnet while the other one wore a rider's outfit and they took turn to hold the board and allow the young man to take photo of different positions. I had had two cameras in the bag and asked their permission to take pictures of them. I took 6 shots with my Pentax and promised to e-mail them back. I should learn and carry my portrait lens with me that day to have their pictures taken. They are students in college to become movie stars.

I walked around the pond to the other side and took a short nap on a bench. The park became busy in the afternoon while sun was shining, the locals came out to have sun tent while I was simply enjoying my nap and good memory of my past visits. I did see the cherry blossom in the Park during my return to NYC from several D.C. Cherry Blossom Festivals. I also had visited the Brooklyn Park for its 800 cherry trees in spring. On my way out of the Park back to the subway station, I stopped by a small museum of a U.S. French museum, actually a book store yet very nice. I walked through some familiar scenery of the Manhattan.

We had had a light dinner at home, a pan fried red snapper, claim soup, rice portage, a salty vegetable jam like sea weeds, and the left over marinated duck. We continued our conversation of our life at old age.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

紐約市第二日 2019/莊峻華

紐約市第二日 2019/莊峻華




Firs day back to New York City 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Firs day back to New York City 2019/Carlos Pueblo

In order to make my frugal budget, I arrived New York City four days before the ship embark at the Manhattan pier. I managed to make it to the Canal Street subway station in a shuttle bus from the La Quadia Airport to a subway station to take No. 6 line to Chinatown to meet Yong, my host at Staten Island. We walked to a Shabu Shabu Restaurant nearby to meet Peter, his fellow Chinese Malaysian who allowed me to use his two vouchers to reduce the cruise fares. The owner of the restaurant, also another Chinese Malaysian, is a successful first generation of immigrant. Peter is a 10% minor investor/owner of the restaurant. Most of the customers are young  generation.

Yong, a retiree of the Metro Transit Authority, used to be office at lower Manhattan and come to Chinatown for lunch with his co-workers; therefore, he is very familiar with the area. It is much better than my previous visits by myself. He introduced me to a lady vender of a fruits stand to buy queva, longan, and mango, etc. Fruits stands are still very common in NYC with much better quality control based on the basic principle of the supply and demand. Most of the fruits are supplied from the State of Florida with unusual ripe and freshness while we don't see it often in Houston oriental super market. The lady owner mentions that they still need to work hard because their last child is still attending Columbia University after their first two children become a doctor of medicine and a business consultant. I believed that I met her husband before several times in my past visit of the city. They are Chinese Vietnamese immigrants.

The third stop was Bo Ky Restaurant where I got my favorite Diaojou marinated duck. The restaurant is managed by the second generation of the family after the senior lady passed away. Every time when I visit NYC, I always purchase several of their ducks and some times I take them to Washington D.C. to give them to my host family during my hanami, cherry blossom viewing. I was told by Yong that during the 80's, the restaurant rotated three chef
to chop 180 ducks a day to meet the take out demand. I remember my conversation with the senior lady owner in Taiwanese, a similar language with Diaojou, previously. Yong is a Diaojoujin and very familiar with the owner's family, the current manager is the second son and his wife with an electrical engineer background. I have had a found memory of my love of Diaojou cuisine since my school time in the capital city of Taipei, the beef noodle, meat and fish ball noodle with the delicious broth, etc. I am going to try some again very soon in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Singapore on my next trip.

Saturday, September 28, 2019







Friday, September 27, 2019

Luffa plants on the backyard/Carlos Pueblo

Luffa plants on the backyard/Carlos Pueblo

 The luffa plant is very common in Asian country especially in Taiwan, we call it vegetable squash or the silk squash in Mandarin. A common squash on the dinner table for poor families just sauteed it with the garlic and a rough sponge use in bath or showering. We have several plants on our limit space of our backyard every year and all up to the rain fall of each year for the harvest. Before I left for Quebec City cruise, I didn't see any sign of fruits; however, after I came home that I found several over ripe fruits hanging on branches of trees. In a few days, they, 9 of them total in number, all fell into ground before the ideal stage of a mature ripe, dry and solid fibers. Originally, I blame the opossum and now I realize the damage is done by the squirrel. It can't really eat it yet it has the habit to mash up my joy of harvest.

When I was a little boy, I helped Mother to gather the squash on the mango tree and electrical pole where the squash sit. In Taiwan, the plant can last for years due to warm weather and the stem can be very big like a wrist size. I was taking a slow locomotive to the capital city of Taipei for my school education and viewed so many plants and yellow flowers on the side of the backyard of the railroad employee residential complex. We decide to grow it after we move to this new residence because that there is a small lot on the back of the garage just next to a tangerine tree. We let the plants climb to the neighboring trees and the neighbors do not complain and don't know what is going on. One day, Kim of the neighbor on the back did tell me that she found the squash at an oriental market and still couldn't remember the name. I taught her how to cook it and felt free to harvest. She understood another purpose of bathroom usage which was existed in the American West era.

I don't think that I can do anything about the competition with squirrels for the time being yet I can only pay more attention after the heavy rain in the summer. I must get it before the little rascal gets it mouse to it. After the freezing winter, everything dies and in the next spring, I have plenty of seeds to plant a new crop of silk squash.

Thursday, September 26, 2019






Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Facing another car issue/Carlos Pueblo

Facing another car issue/Carlos Pueblo

When I arrived home from my trip, I was facing another car issue immediately. Amy was nervous about a sudden drop of 43 inches rain which her new vehicle was restrained on streets for hours might be flooded. I agree to bring the vehicle to the dealership for checking up after many of her concerns, such as the engine service soon light, computer screen mash up since last oil change, and her complaint of 10,000 miles limit of free oil change after one year, etc. Man, driving a new vehicle is still facing issue of any kinds now a day. She did have similar situation previously on our old Honda Accord flooded on a stormy night while parking on the street with a total loss and troublesome afterward with the tall authority for the new owner not paying toll fees. I agree to accompany her to the dealership and bring her home while waiting for the check up of the dealership.

The manager on duty assign a foreman to handle our walk in. He asked if the door mat was wet, no was answered; therefore, the vehicle was not flooded. She still wanted the dealer to check the engine to make sure no water in it. He said that would cost $135 and she wanted to pay for it to make her a peace of mind. I disagreed and she yield. We walked out the office toward the vehicle and he checked on the vehicle panel and did some adjustment in less than a minute and announced everything was alright and free to go. Engine service soon is for the oil change reminder and he takes it off. Computer panel messed up was from last oil change, a wrong touch and the mechanic didn't know how to adjust it. Upon returning home, I asked her to pay me $135 with my guaranty of the safety of flood damage. She changes her mind to buy such peace of mind.

Since I missed my morning walk, I might just finish another car issue of my own, an annual inspection of safety and air pollution in order to renew a sticker permit to drive on the street. I inherit a 1998 Q45 from the family, from Amy when it was brand new for the purpose of grocery shopping and children delivery and a vehicle for Arthur's transportation to work, etc. After there were mechanic issued occurred, it became for me to handle it, an old man without any use of the vehicle. I have to spend money to fix various lights on the panel such as radiator, oxygen censor of many kinds, starter, etc. in addition to tires with a grand total of $6000 plus for a market value of less than a thousand. I hate to waste and am not used to donation; therefore, I keep it and refuse to fix the air conditioning system. I only drive less than 350 miles a year for tennis matches around the neighborhood.

Pass and pass this time and I bought a sticker on a nearby super market. I am free for another year. The garage foreman tells me after three year, I only am required for annual safety inspection, no air pollution, and pay $8 instead of $25 now include pollution part. The sticker is about $76 a year for the old vehicle in Texas. I'll have this 98 Q45 an antique vehicle status in three years and that is why I expect that I'll get more than a thousand sale price afterward.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019





回家後,迅速吃畢早餐,驅舊車到小車行,做年度行車安全空汙檢查,許可後再購買年度行車許可貼紙,安全空汙檢查費是$25,貼紙是$76,但需有車險證明,德州法治,調理分明,我接下這台1989 Q45,已有多年,這是從愛美新車開始,運送小孩們上學,然後傳給元兒上班,一直到車況不可靠,展轉成為我座車,一年前,車內電腦板一直有燈亮,兩三年內,修理約六千美金,始在去年,通過年度安全空汙檢查,我現在準備再等三年,成為古典車,一年僅開三百哩,無車冷氣亦無妨。我把新貼紙換上,又有一年合法行車許可。

Monday, September 23, 2019

Coming back from my summer retreat cruise trip/Carlos Pueblo

Coming back from my summer retreat cruise trip/Carlos Pueblo

A day before yesterday right after midnight, I arrived home from a 25 day trip of the land and cruise combined trip in New England and Canada. I define it as a summer retreat vacation from the summer heat way of Texas temporarily away from a 102 degree Fahrenheit to the
high 50's. I arrived 4 days early in New York City to visit friends and interesting places and left late on the disembark in order to have a lunch with an old friend and his wife. The Hudson Yard is a new wonder which I like to describe. The back to back cruise route is from NYC to Quebec City including several current day paradise in New England, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and repeated on the way back to NYC. To my surprise, I have visited he home town of the late Senator Claiborne Pell at Newport, Rhode Island; Boston, MA; Portland and Bar Harbor, ME; Halifax and Sidney, Nova Scotia; Quebec City, Quebec; and Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, al are current day paradise in the world.

 My summer villa is the huge cruise ship and I am mobile. I didn't see the foliage, change color of the leaves; however, I still see lovely dahlia and chrysanthemum at the home gardens at the coastal line of Bar Harbor. I met several lovely dogs out on the harbor walk of Halifax and the newly maiden voyage of the British Carrier, the Queen Elizabeth on her drill at Halifax harbor. Quebec City is another amazing city which I have had plenty of time to count the old cannons on the citadel. I read all the monument come to my eyes for the description of history. I can tell a whole story why I admire the city and he people who have built such a place of history.

I shall write all of these lovely place on my journal with a back up support of my cameras even though I do miss some lovely scenery while the ship slowly moving away from the beautiful farm and mansion of Quebec City along the St. Lawrence River and the coastal line of Newport toward Manhattan.

Sunday, September 22, 2019






