Saturday, February 27, 2021


中國武漢之生化戰劑廠/莊峻華 美國前國務卿龐培奧和中國學者余茂春,在二月二十四日,投書華爾街日報,詳詳細細說明,中國武漢生化戰劑廠之失誤,讓生化病毒外洩,造成全球禍害,這就是學名新冠肺炎,或是我採用之俗名,中國武漢肺炎肆虐,龐與余於今年二月始知此事真相?當然不是,何以不在其國務卿任內公佈?就是四日前,美國是一法治國家,華爾街日報也知輕重,若龐在任內公佈,美國政府必需對中國宣戰,其實,美國民間流氓無賴,已經開始對中國老人攻擊,非常不幸,但是事實,我判斷這些攻擊亞裔老人,都是種族歧視者,都是懦夫。我研究中國歷史一生,也為國民黨中國人統治二十八年,心理威脅到現在,中國人為統一之名,行個人獨裁專制,甚麼傷天害理之事,都做的出來,善良之中國人,一直在忍耐,忍耐到一日,黃河水清。 我先舉陳文成命案為例,好好一位異議台灣青年,活生生之被打死,而且真相不能公佈,我們家元兒,出世後窒息,健康保險花百萬美金搶救,這是美國和中國文明認知上之不同,看看毛澤東主政下的中國,殺人誤國,歷史都有定論,善良之中國人還在忍耐。我在去年一月,已經有龐培奧之結論資訊,海外中國民運人士,已經獲得中國國內之消息,連台灣衛福部醫生,都在網論發現武漢醫生李文亮之呼救,中國外交部曰,去年一月初,已經照會美國,但是仍舊開放旅客赴美,我是因為無知,節約不願浪費,雖然聽陳破空之持論,仍然出發,在曼谷香港旅店,已經知道事態嚴重,買不到口罩,武漢市長被威脅革職,他說他早報告習進平,撤職他也無用。我都知道,何以美國國家情報不知? 這就是川普老羞成怒之原因,反共之緣起,川普不能騙我,在俄羅斯普汀面前是乖孫,印尼中芯電機開路前,和習進平是好友,華為任正非不給錢就變臉,制裁華為中國,且獲台灣總統之芳心,全國都支持川普連任,說拜登貪污,不肖兒子睡寡嫂,睡姪女,甚至睡歐巴瑪長女,這些都是班農聽取郭文貴之資料,然後朱尼安尼準備要公佈錄影,直到宣稱公佈前,在酒店房間摸男鳥始中斷。 據曰此生化戰劑,原先是要對付香港示威,後來不慎在武漢外洩,就是龐余投書之生化安全不週,現在全美死亡五十萬人以上,風聲鶴唳,多少人失業,多少事業關閉,中國更慘,工廠外遷,都是爛尾樓,爛尾廠,不能講中國武漢肺炎肆虐,如何能清楚敘述這一段人類大浩劫?

Friday, February 26, 2021

The Early Enlistment in 1971/Carlos Pueblo

The early enlistment in 1971/Carlos Pueblo An old classmate mentions that I must appreciate what the opportunity the Nationalist Chinese regime in Taiwan for providing me to study at Taiwan Normal University between 1967 to 1971. This is my final piece of argument for that issue. I don't need to thank any of such idea because that I have fullfill my obligation to that nation, two years in the army and two years in teaching. The Nationalist should appreciate that Taiwan has provided a space for their exile after Communist China kicked them out of China. If Imperial Japanese didn't invade China before WWII, Taiwan would be still a part of Japan. Japan is a better nation than China, either the Nationalist or the Communist. Fortunately, Taiwan is currently under a genuine Taiwanese government and they don't want to have anything to do with China. I was struggling three years in study at the college with failing grades all over. My excuses were that I worked too much as private tutors to earn money to support my Chemistry major study. Finally, there was only one more class to be completed, the analytical organic chemistry which I joined another four students to make it up in the summer. There was a make up class with our own tuitions to support the course. Once I got that four credit hours, I was ready to be graduated from the campus. Because that I missed the school appointment to teach at a high school, I was drafted immediately to the navy for three years obligation service. And also because of my poor grade point average, I was rejected to become a ROTC two years army service. Another choice was to volunteer an early enlistment to be drafted to the army with fellow college graduates with poor academic grade point average. I wrote a letter to an Anti-Commuinst Youth Group chairman of the board to help me to get drafted to the army to save one year service. Mr. Sung Shi-suen assigned his chief of staff, a full bird army colonel, Bien Jin-ping for further assistance. Bien directed me to another major at a campus of the National Defense Department at a suburban area of Taipei. This major guided me to the army and after three months infantry training, I was sent to the rontier across the Chinese coastal city of Armoy for two years. It is easy to describe now after more than half of a century of my life. It was really a hardship to bear. What I can say now is that the two years in the army has made me a grown man. I can handle most of the hardship later in my life.






My dormitory experience at Taiwan Normal University/Carlos Pueblo

 My dormitory experience at Taiwan Normal University/Carlos Pueblo

One of my former college classmate insists that I must appreciate the Nationalist Government of Taiwan to provide me a tuition to study at Taiwan Normal University which is an institute for the secondary school teachers. As I described on my previous article that I did receive a tuition free and a meager US$5 equivalent Taiwanese currency a month to purchase a meal ticket including  two quarters in that $5 a month for a hair cut. According to the rule, I was expected to have a bed at the student dormitory for the first three years, yet I only had had two. During my sophomore year, my application to that bed was rejected and I was forced to forfeit that $5 to pay a bed outside of the campus. There was not very much to thank for the regime anyway.

I had to work extra tutor job to make the difference; therefore, I blamed my poor grade for not having sufficient time to study. Most of the day time, I was sleepy at classes and never had had time to study. I knew what was wrong with me for that rejection because of my awkward relationship with the ROTC officer at the department he was in charge of the student affair. I was the nail pup up from the surface and he liked to smash it. Later I believe that is a shown discrimination from Chinese to the native like me. I did appeal the case to the President of the University and the head of the ROTC, a major general, wa instructed by the President's chief of staff to let me have that bed in the dorm. I was granted a conditional OK with a vote of the roommates and I lost by 3-4. They preferred to keep the empty bed as a storage space.

My life was totally changed. My college life was no longer like a dream of study yet a real work-study. I had to take care of the room and board. I refuse to give the credit to the Nationalist Regime for providing me to study at Taiwan Normal at all. A more experience friend gave me an advice to send a gift to my ROTC officer so I did deliver a small gift to him and he returned it to me. On my junior year, he invited me back to the dormitory with the same room.

There are several respectful roommates at that room later on their life such as Roger Huang, a Ph.D from Tokyo University, Tse-sheng Lee of the person I mention on my last article, and Wen-shaw Liu, my senior year roommate outside of the campus and a Ph.D. from Kent University in Ohio. There is this room 106 that I have had many life time friends whom I have appreciated so much, Henry Wei, a Marquette Ph.D., Chi-ho Su, a Cincinnati Ph.D., Carl Chen, and Yuan-kuan Chen who are all graduated from Tainan First Boys Senior High. Kuan-ming Yeh is a very successful business owner and also with a M.S. degree from the famous Chin-hwa University. There was an oversea student in that room who was very gentle to me.

I lived out side of the campus on my sophomore year. Al Huang and Chao-shi Kuo were my roommate. Al has a Ph.D. from Wayne State in Detroit and Kuo is retired from teaching for years in Kaoshiung, Taiwan. There were romantic stories involving them with two beautiful co-eds which I admired very much. I like to tell that story one day. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021






106室是我最常出入之寢室,大部份是南一中出身,像志和兄,治貞兄,宏義兄,和永崑兄,昆明兄是彰中高材,另外有兩位僑生,一位印尼僑生小名阿發,也是紳士型,後來我的暑假班,得力於他的指點,我的物化和有機分析兩科,都在三、四年級暑假完成,來到阿拉巴馬奧本大 學,獎學金足夠,我就能專心讀書,真正了解普化,物理,和理論化學,都是在準備考高中化學教職時,重新做過一次作業。

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Do I need to appreciate the ROC for my college study?/Carlos Pueblo

 Do I need to appreciate the ROC for my college study?/Carlos Pueblo

During the frozen Texas week I was involving an explanation of the Texas grid on my old college classmate line group. The issue was side tracked by comments from three friends about my political belief of the Taiwan Independence via the appreciation of the ROC government and the prohibition of using the terminology of the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus Pandemic. It is very small platform on line for me to argue back; therefore, I like to take advantage of my blog to make further discussion of the future of Taiwan.

I appreciate very much for my admission to the National Taiwan Normal University for a study to be a secondary school teacher. The Chinese Nationalist regime under Chiang Kai-sek provided a tuition free program plus a meager allowance of New NT$200 a month equivalent to US$5 at that time between 1967-1971. In return, I must teach 5 years at the school in order to leave the country. Chinese rulers always think this way that they own the people like own a huge herd of cattle. I finished my two year military draft and two years teaching waved that three years teaching duty to go abroad for the graduate study according to its own policy. I have never felt that I owe anything to the government, the Republic of China, for that tuition free favor like that I don't owe anything to the U.S. government for the assistance of my graduate study. Even if I decided to go back to teach at the school, I was not qualified as a school teacher. As a matter of the fact, the ROC has never wanted a political dissident to enter Taiwan. I shall tell two stories of a typical Chinese rulers' mentality.

Mr. Lee Tse-sheng was my fellow classmate of the Chemistry class 1971. He was assigned to a Provincial Girls High to teach for the internship and was draft to the military service for two years thereafter. After the military service, he selected another senior high to continue his teaching service and was stopped due to his tuberculosis infected during his two years in the army. I ran into him at a bus stop on a busy high way to Taipei. We had had a long chat about his life. He was supported by his newly wed wife and prepared to take the National Higher Examination in order to be back to work for the government. He made it and I was told that he worked for a government liquor monopoly lab in his hometown. 

Yesterday I delivered 30 grape fruits to my tennis buddy Tony for his severe cold. I saw a street called Joan of Arc at the Memorial Village. It reminds me a story of a client who uses to live on this street. She told me a sad story of his father with a Chinese significant in the 70's. Her father was educated at a law school at the Manchuria before WWII and back to Taiwan after the War. He was a warden of a big jail before he was elected to be a Magistrate of Tainan. At his first term ended and he prepared for his reelection. A Chinese senior deputy of the ruler came to solicit some money for his nomination. The sum was huge and he hesitated. Before he said no, he was threw into jail. The family managed the sum to that Chinese named Huan Lee, later became the premier. He was released from the jail due to his health condition. He died soon after.

I don't like the Chinse rule in Taiwan. Fortunately, now the nationalist Chinese regime has been replaced by the Native Taiwanese regime. Even though the Communist Chinese is till put up threat to annex Taiwan. I feel more comfortable with the current Taiwanese government.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021







My fond memory of Taiwan(3)/Carlos Pueblo

My fond memory of Taiwan(3)/Carlos Pueblo

It is a good memory of my humble background in Taiwan, as a matter of fact, it has been a continuously improvement of my life time. I have described the first two fond memory of Taiwan, the local religious feast and the credit on the local grocery store. Now, I am going to various student loans. It is very interesting of a hardship indeed.

My father's monthly income was about $20 U.S. dollars to feed a family of nine at that time of the 50's. There was a six year compulsory publican education for us to attend until the junior high school and thereafter. My parents have paid their first priority for us to get to the college. When my elder sisters were at the senior high school, he started to borrow the tuition and fee from his old classmate, a successful business man in the capital city of Taipei. At the time of my junior high, the fee was about $10 per semester and some book fees and high school was $15 per semester. My brother and I were attending senior high school in Taipei away from home even though we had had a help from my mother's brother, our uncle. to have the room and board free. There were still additional cost of living expanse. My mother would make a small pocket to hold the $15 cash and seamed with my sweater to make sure it was safe for me to take a whole day train to the school. He was forced to be retired at 60 with a lump sum pension payment of $5,000. He told me that he paid back to his kind friend with half of that amount, $2,500.

I went to Taiwan Normal for my college education. It was a tuition free university; however, I was still required to arrange my room and board. In addition to that, I had to make up some courses which I failed during three summers. My sister Amy at that time was a high school teacher and making her $20 a month stipend. She was very kind to loan me about $350 total to pay the additional cost for me to get out of the college within four years. 

I was very anxious to leave Taiwan for a graduate study in the U.S. In order to get a Visa, I was required to provide $2,000 to show my first year financial support. I received two loans of $75 from my elder sister and an adopted mother while a classmate's father loaned me $2,000 simply because his son's recommendation. I paid the loan off as soon as I had had a bank account at Auburn, Alabama. 

I always like to thank my father's friend who made a loan to help us to get education and also Ronald Wen's father who believed of my credit score at that time. They all have provided me the precious opportunity to make my successful life in the U.S. 

Monday, February 22, 2021







The recent three U.S. President impeachments/Carlos Pueblo

 The recent three U.S. President impeachments/Carlos Pueblo

There are three recent U.S. President impeachments, Clinton once in the 90's while Trump just acquitted on his second impeachment about a week before. It is because of the frozen weather delay of my thought, I can only quickly regroup myself to finish this subject.

Actually, there is almost another one in the early 70's with the threat of impeaching Nixon of his Watergate scandal. He quitted before any formal impeachment procedure and his chosen successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him of his criminal offense. The difference between Nixon and Trump is the 2/3 requirement to be reach in the Senate. Trump has been very firm because the Republican Senate majority leader gives the number to him while Howard Baker can't promise that number to Nixon. Trump's first offense is the telephone threat to the Ukraine President to dig up Biden's son, Hunter's business scandal involving that nation or facing the consequence of his withholding the U.S. aid. On his second impeachment offense is the inciting of the Capitol riot to stop an election sanction procedure. He has embarrassed himself and the entire Nation for his disgraceful behavior. The second impeachment paper is also mentioned his continuously offence of a n hourly long telephone conversation with the secretary of the State of Georgia to get the election result changed.

The reason of Clinton's impeachment is quite interesting. He was involving some kinds of sex relationship with a White House intern. He was also acquitted because he had had the numbers. He followed his attorney's advise to pay another soliciting fore play of sex with his umbrella insurance coverage. He has recovered all his financial stress after his second term ended. He has made many speeches internationally, i.e. he spoke in Taiwan for $200,000 in an hour by mentioning that he sent an carrier to patrol the Formosan Straight while China harassed Taiwan by launching missiles in 1996 because of the Taiwanese National Election.

Trump's facing the law has just begun soon after he left the White House. There are both civil and criminal offense cases. I believe that his business is also ruined. I shall restrain myself for not mentioning him on my future writing.

Sunday, February 14, 2021








Saturday, February 13, 2021

Republican senators acquit Trump again/Carlos Pueblo

 Republican senators acquit Trump again/Carlos Pueblo

Yesterday afternoon, the republican senators acquitted Trump on his second impeachment trail, 57-43, far shy of 10 more profiles in courage . It has been a very good educational trail for me to understand how the Congress to impeach a President in this great nation.

The acquittance is not because Trump is not guilty of what he is accused yet for the lack of the courage of the 43 Republican senators and their excuses. What they believe is the procedure issue that the Senate can't impeach an out of office elected officers which is untrue.

The damage is done to Trump and the Republican party at least at this trail. There are almost half and half in population between the Republican and the Democrat. I don't believe that the Republican can survive with the racist, the evangelist, and the rich in the nation. The collapse of the Republican party and Trump are just started.

The Democrat prosecute Trump very well during the trail. I have learned a lot of the U.S. law as well as how the democracy works. Most of all, the trail has exposed the ungraceful behavior of Trump and his unfit to be a President of this great nation.






Friday, February 12, 2021

Refreshing my fond memory of the book Profiles in Courage/Carlos Pueblo

 Refreshing my fond memory of the book Profiles in Courage/Carlos Pueblo

Since this Tuesday, I have been watching the Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump for the second time. It is very refreshing for me to remember John Kennedy's book, Profiles in Courage, where he describes several senators in the history to buck their own party's policy to pursue their own decisions. Now I have seen 10 Republican House members voted for Trump's 2nd impeachment while 6 Republican senators voted to take the impeachment. They meet Kennedy's Profiles in Courage and should be awarded his price under that book's name.

Trump lost 200,000 votes in my Harris County, Texas and behind Biden 7 million votes nationwide. He doesn't concede his loss yet attempt to prolong his struggle to keep his position. He tried to create a military tension in the South China Sea to have a conflict of war with China. His defense ministers resigned. He couldn't move the U.S. Army to press some dissidents and have lost all court challenge across several States. He was very desperate and incited a mob of his followers to attack the Capitol to stop a final procedure of the 2020 election. His attorney's argument is like this, it is a riot yet it is not an insurrection because that is not like a military coup like occupying a television station, etc. They all say that the Senate will acquit him again. I believe it that there are not enough Senators with conscience and the Profile of Courage.

I always wonder how much Trump know the politic. Does he firmly believe that he can move that much of crowd to the Capitol to stop the final sanction of the election and kick Biden out of the Inauguration? Just compare the number? Biden has 7 million more. The Confederate had had more than 6 States and a real military force fighting four years and still couldn't make it. Just these couple thousands talk tough person can overthrow the U.S. political system? This is just a beginning of his challenge to face the laws and I like to see how he can get out of the up coming trouble of his business. I believe that he has a mental issue.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021






Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The distribution of the national resource/Carlos Pueblo

 The distribution of the national resource/Carlos Pueblo

It has been a popular subject of the U.S. politic for the distribution of the national resource to the general public ever since the out break of the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus pandemic. I believe that is three times, the PPP Act 1.4 trillion, the Care Act 900 billion, and the Care act 1.9 trillion. We can imagine how severe of the damage to the U.S. economy. Only for some excitement to receive $3,200 in three separate times for most of the population is unprecedent in the U.S. history. It doesn't mean that our federal government has such money in saving, as a matter of fact, in the past four years we have increased more than eight trillion national debt to the total of more than 31 trillion since the revolution in 1776. To maintain such huge national debt without the bankruptcy is also considered as a national resource.

Let me explain the distribution as a form of welfare which will be much easier to understand. We all are aware that the welfare is a distribution to the people in poverty. Varies governments have to make a budget to fund the distribution. i.e., the welfare check, the food stamp, and the Medicaid, etc.

If we think carefully that the unemployment check system, the social security benefit, and the Medicare, etc. are also the distribution or the welfare to the long time workers. You must work for a long time in your life to get such welfare or distribution of the national resource.

The tax cut preferred by the Republican regimes is also a welfare or a distribution of the national resource to the rich and the huge corporation. Selling weapon to the other nations to help the defense industry can also be considered a kind of welfare or distribution of the national resource. The weaponry can be used to the war or deter wars yet most of them are like toys and can be aged without any real use.

The U.S. federal government has been very good at the distribution to cover as much as possible. Of course, it is because that of the two party system, one liberal and one conservative party. The Democrat is progressive while the Republican is conservative. There is a kind of balance in between; however, the U.S. laws have been written by the rich and well established. Before I end this writing, let me mention one more example, the student loan forgiveness which is also a distribution of the national resource.

Monday, February 8, 2021







Friday, February 5, 2021

New Biden Administration/Carlos Pueblo

 New Biden Administration/Carlos Pueblo

New Biden Administration has been in force only 15 days and I can write so much about it. Every weekday, I would hook myself to the You Tube to watch the White House news brief about what the President is doing and his policy progress; therefore, I can understand much better of what the direction of the nation is going toward. I feel more confidence of my retirement funds in the stock market. I believe that the market is at the power play.

Instead of the tension of war , the trade or the physical in the foreign political business, the U.S. is now paying more attention to the urgent needs of the domestic matter such as the vaccine for the corona virus, the unemployment, the school reopening, the reopen of the business, etc. The minimum wage of $15 an hour is on the agenda now while the populism college loan forgiveness is now in the forum. I do have a different opinion on this, I believe that the one who can not pay back the college loan should copy the former president to file the bankruptcy to face the consequence. It is not too late to work and save. It is cheaper to pass the $15 an hour proposal than the college loan forgiveness and makes more sense to me.

I like that the new administration to review the relationship with China, of course, also include the relationship with my homeland Taiwan. Both the President and the new Secretary of State are very experience with the subject. I notice that many new presidential executive orders to reverse the previous administration including the troupe withdraw from Germany which I have very much interest. The new administration is more open to the public and have no business interest other than the national interest. I mean no personal conflict interest at all.

The U.S. is a powerful nation and with an excellent administration we can march toward a bright future. 







Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Corona virus one year/Carlos Pueblo

 The Corona virus one year/Carlos Pueblo

It has been exactly one year after the out break of the Chinese Wuhan Corona virus pandemic. We were on a 20 days trip to the Southeast Asia at that period of time without a mask to several crowded area, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and a seven day cruise to Viet Nam. We were lucky to come back home safely. Since then, I have intensified my self exile life style to another level.

I get up very early in the morning to have a long walk around the neighborhood. I have added on more tennis during the week. I have had several naps during the day and go to bed very early everyday. Only strangers have attempted to call me to solicit some business. I have been away from the regular boring senior life.

I notice that there are many small leaves of the amaryllis coming out of the ground on the back yard. I have spread many of their flake like seeds during the end of flowering season. I gathered the dry seeds from the stem and spread them all over the yard. It will take 7 years to bloom from the seed as it is said. I also have had several home grown pineapple plants on the back yard. I burry the crown part on the ground and it keeps on growing. I don't think that I shall have any harvest after 18 months. I am also planning to grow some melons and the bitter gourd this year. The seeds are in pots now.

I have made more friends in the neighborhood via walking on streets. Many adorable pets dogs and cats know me as their friends obviously. I consider that is my life time achievement. I am living in a new normal life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021






