Monday, April 13, 2020

Making steam bun and dumpling/Carlos Pueblo

Making steam bun and dumpling/Carlos Pueblo

Two weeks ago, Amy bought a bag of flour and asked me to make bun and dumpling at home during the out break lock down of the Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus. I know how to make those eating staff yet not as good as a popular Shantung Restaurant on the Chinatown. I was raised from a very humble family; therefore, I had learned some knowledge to do something. Usually, I make the beef noodle to fill up Arthur's Sunday dinner and Monday breakfast and now, we make his Saturday breakfast and Friday dinner with the  steam dumpling in lieu of the frozen Shantung product. I can have my breakfast with sweet bun to replace brown rice porridge.

Like making a bread, I pull the flour into a glass bowl and mix with water for dumpling skin and with yeast water solution for the bun. Then it is a series of hard work to make a dough and follow by thinning a small dough ball to make the skin. We do have the rolling bar quite professionally not like a wood bar made from an stick. Amy will make the filling, ground pork for salty bun and dumpling while sweet red bean paste for my vegetable requirement. It takes about a whole afternoon to have the product ready.

Amy has learned and made several sweet rice and long grain rice flour products. She learned it from her mother while she stayed with us when the kids were young. Those are delicious Taiwanese dishes and are more sophisticated. You can only find those products in Los Angeles and New York City with large demand of Taiwanese immigrants or traveling back to Taiwan to satisfy yourselves on street stands eatery. I have no such desire any longer.

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