Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Own a house to live/Carlos Pueblo

Own a house to live/Carlos Pueblo

When the outbreak of the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus, the stock market is crushed and people are out of work. A familiar sign is re-appeared, the worry of paying the rent or the mortgage payment. I believe for every adult that to own a house to live is the first goal of your life because we do need a house to live and own a house can reduce some of the issue such as the food to eat and the cloth to wear, etc.

I have had this in my mind since my childhood. I always adored people who own their houses to live. We lived in a small duplex compound owned by my father's employer, Taiwan Sugar Company free of rent and basic utilities, water and electricity. Our sibling of seven always have had our first to buy a house to own when we have had our first job, i.e. I bought a condominium and a single dwelling house simultaneously before I got married. I always pay off the mortgage as soon as I am able to as a saving because that is a really own of a house.

Once we have this to own our own houses, we can work on saving or balance our budget and it will get better on our balance sheet to face the uncertainty such as the stock market crushed. I don't believe that the money issue can be solved by the others for yourself., i.e. the government or the politician, etc.

To own a house to live and hard working to keep the income from our jobs to balance our budget and always find extra money to save, some suggestion is six months of our expenditure and I feel as much as we can. Doing the calculation of money is my favorite and I am good at the numbers, furthermore, I like to plan ahead.

To own something like a house or a security means that we really own something. To be a owner means very much of our life, a meaningful life of mankind. 

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