Sunday, April 26, 2020

Home made mask/Carlos Pueblo

Home made mask/Carlos Pueblo

Amy gave me a cloth mask to try to see if it was fit. She made several masks to meet the mayor's order to wear mask to go out. Wearing mask and washing hands with soap prove to be effective to avoid being infected by the famous Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus out break pandemic. I am a good citizen and I shall obey the order to wear mask while I am out to walk in the morning even though few walker or driver show up on the street. I have excused myself to touch pet dogs because that I consider they are my niece and nephew in the family.

The home made mask is sewed by her hands even though the mail in order of needles are in to replace the broken one on the sewing machine. She made a design like the folded skirt with the extended belt attached. It is much better that the one in my memory. When I was in the elementary school, I was struggling to meet the requirement of wearing a mask to brush the dirt ground. Recently, I learn the reasons of my resistance of dust or dirty air due is due to my body's immune system. Some people doesn't really have such luck. Yet, I still remember the need of mask when I clean the toilet during my army service in the frontier at Kamoi Island.

The home made mask is not as efficient as the surgical type of N-95, yet at least will block some of the un-wanted intruder or sprad out of something from our own mouths. It can be washed. Arthur ordered some basic function masks when we were out in the Southeast Asia trip. He gave me some and I returned them to him because that he needed for his daily work. He is concerned our safety. He even order three 3M gas masks, those Hong Kong youngsters to wear against the violent police's tear gas. He told me some of senior customers came to the store wearing such masks. I think that is very interesting.

I am very glad that I can maintain myself in a very simple self exile type of life. I don't have to go out to meet people. I don't feel that is boring and hope very soon we can all go through this safely.

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