Tuesday, April 21, 2020

It's not too late to mend the gate/Carlos Pueblo

It's not too late to mend the gate/Carlos Pueblo

There is a saying in Chinese classic, It's not to late to mend the gate when you loss a goat. That means at the time of the Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus out break, the tremendous loss of everything, from the human life and  the financial difficulty, etc. I'll let the able politician to figure it out how to mend the gate to avoid further loss of goats. I am thinking more of myself as an individual to be survived  in this turmoil time.

I regret very much that I don't reserve more cash at hand to feel more comfortable. This is because my calculation doesn't foresee the biological warfare of this kind. I wish I could hold some  20% cash away from all stocks growth funds in my pension portfolio. I am alright yet feel sorry for myself.

We, all of us in the family, are concerned with the exposure of Amy's grocery shopping and Arthur's working at a super market daily. They are worry of my touching pet dogs on the neighborhood. He purchases masks, gloves, and even gas mask, etc. for his work, of course, required the permission from company to wear the gas mask, the one that Hong Kong youths wear to protect themselves against the police brutality of the tear gas. She says that she is alright to go in and out quickly with the mask and the glove to protect herself and the others. I am fine with my self-exile life and enough funds to meet my obligation.

I increase my morning walk distance from 11 streets to 16 streets to meet the exercises volume after skipping two tennis meets a week due to the lock down. I gather amaryllis seeds from two neighbors' garden to prepare plants for the future. My melons are blooming and the sod repair is working. I am forced to stay home away from the cruise trip and save money. I am going to do some studying in Spanish and Japanese. I am making steam bun and dumpling on Saturday.

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