Monday, April 6, 2020

Horticultural routine/Carlos Pueblo

Horticultural routine/Carlos Pueblo

Since last fall, I paid more attention to the front and back yards of the house. Amaryllis plants were transferred to some space available. I find out they are blooming this spring with orange flowers. A neighbor is noticed and promises to give me hers to plant in my yard. She is an excellent gardener. In addition to my regular lawn mowing every other week, I start to repair the old damage sod in the backyard by removing the Bermuda grass with San Augustine grass transferred from some insignificant spots of the backyard and expecting them to grow back.

Several seeds are coming out nicely on pots and I have found another space for them to grow, like the space next to the tangerine behind the garage. After we cut down the old deteriorated Sugar Gum tree, we should have some sun light for every plants and trees. This is the first year we see the red pomegranate flowers and expecting some fruits in the fall. What do we have on those pots? Luffa gourd, melons, bell pepper, long green bean, and a kind of unknown flower, etc. I water all of these plants and sod every day before the whole raining days to make my work successfully.

I also start to repair the edge of our lawn in the front yard. Previous lawn mowers edged the sides 5 inches deep into the pedestrian and are not god looking. I understand that may take years to grow back like some of our neighbors. I'll make easy pin from the paper clip to form an U-shape pin to move the new sprout inside. It is what I think that may work.

I am going back to trim some bushes all around like before. This new horticultural routine shall fill up some of my quarantine day life. I am helping Amy to do some of the yard work.

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