Wednesday, January 30, 2008


落 葉 し ぐ れ歌 谷 真酉美作詩 吉川静夫  作曲 吉田 正 昭和27年
1 旅の落葉が しぐれに濡れて  流れ果てない ギター弾き  のぞみも夢も はかなく消えて  唄もなみだの 渡り鳥
2 酒にやつれて 未練にやせて  男流れの ギター弾き  あの日も君も かえらぬものを  呼ぶな他国の 夜のかぜ
3 暗い裏町 酒場の隅が  せめてねぐらの ギター弾き  灯かげもさみし 螢光燈の  かげにしみじ
The showing of falling leaves English translated by Daniel Watanabe

Traveling fallen leaves wet by the showers(rain). The unlimited music from
the guitar player, hopes and dreams have disappeared forever. Songs like
tears of the migrating birds.

The roving guitar player is weakened by sake and regrets. He knows on that
day you will never return. Don’t call the night wind from another country.

In the corner of a tavern at the dark back street of a town, the shadow of the
always present lonely guitar player under the fluorescent lights, I cry by myself
in the shadows.

落葉秋雨 莊峻華 漢譯

1. 時雨浸濡飄零落葉,吉他彈奏著無盡樂音,美夢和希望永逝,悲

2. 漂泊的吉他樂手為酒怨所削弱,是日,他己知你已永不回首,莫

3. 後街暗巷酒場一隅,霓虹燈下,吉他樂手孤立,我獨自在夜影下

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