Thursday, January 17, 2008


荒城の月 (作詞 土井晩翠  作曲 瀧 廉太郎)
1. 春高楼の 花の宴  めぐる盃 かげさして  千代の松が枝 わけいでし  むかしの光 いまいずこ
2. 秋陣営の 霜の色  鳴き行く雁の 数見せて  植うるつるぎに 照りそいし  むかしの光 いまいずこ
3. 今荒城の 夜半の月  かわらぬ光 たがためぞ  垣にのこるは ただかつら  松に歌うは ただ嵐
4. 天上影は かわらねど  栄枯は移る 世の姿  写さんとてか 今もなお  嗚呼荒城の 夜半の月
The moon over the old castle
1. The high towers in spring, at the flower parties, the shadows fall from the toasting cups. The branches of the thousand year-old pine trees, through them- where did those lights images go?2. The winter campaigns, the color of frost- the geese which fly by and cry… The swords that once reflected the shrine of the sun- the old lights, oh, Where are they now?3. Now the midnight moon is over the old castle. The unchanging moon lights, whom is it for? Only the vines remain on the fences. What sings among the pines is only the wind.4. The sky doesn't change the glory changes with the image of the world. Even now it looks like that it wants to show the midnight moon over the old ruined castle.
1. 春喜高樓花之宴,酒盃幾巡舞弄影。 千年松枝駕雲端,昔往光彩今安在?2. 秋日戰役白上霜,數見雁行悲聲鳴。 寒光迴照冢前劍,昔往光彩今安在?3. 夜半月下今荒城,祇問恆光為誰照? 殘垣斷壁蔓蕪延,風聲呼號高松枝。4. 天上恆影應猶在,衹是世姿榮枯改, 迄今寫露現世色,鳴呼荒城夜半月。
【註】按渡邊先生詮釋,荒城の月應出於明治年間,其曲若似蘇格蘭歌謠,原作已馳名全球。詢起荒城何處?無人作考,吾人嘗讀蘇軾之赤壁懷古,詞牌念奴嬌,應有樂譜可歌,惜己煙沒。  前兩首演歌,湯島の白梅和北國の春,與此曲均為渡邊博先生課中英譯,弟於課後漢譯,此注。(莊峻華)

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