Friday, January 11, 2008

誰不思念故鄉? 莊峻華漢譯

誰 か 故 郷 を 想 わ ざ る
歌  谷 真酉美
作詩 西条八十  作曲 古賀政男

1  花摘む野辺に 日は落ちて
  みんなで肩を 組みながら
  唄をうたった 帰りみち
ンの あの友この友

2 ひとりの姉が 嫁ぐ夜に
  小川の岸で さみしさに
  泣いた涙の なつかしさ
  幼馴染みの あの山この川

3 都に雨の 降る夜は
  涙に胸も しめりがち
  遠く呼ぶのは 誰の声
  幼馴染みの あの夢この夢

Who wouldn’t think of his hometown? Translated by Daniel Watanabe

  1. The sunsets on the field where we picked the flowers as we went shoulder to

shoulder on the way home as we sang. That friend and this friend we’ve known since were young. Aah, who wouldn’t think of his hometown?

  1. When one of our sisters was to wed one night, we cried because we were lonely.

The remembrance of the tears we shed that mountain and this river. Aah, who

wouldn’t think of his hometown?

  1. When it is raining at night in the capital, our hearts get damp because of the tears.

Whose voice is that we hear from afar? The dream we had when we were young,

the dream. Aah, who wouldn’t think of his hometown?

誰不思念故鄉? 莊峻華漢譯

1. 落日餘輝遍映拾花草原,回家途中,我們並肩歡唱,此友彼友均是


2. 姊姊出嫁夜,我們傷心地在小溪畔湍泣,憶否灑淚於此山彼河?啊!


3. 京城雨夜,淚水沾濕我心。是誰聲在遠處呼喚?童年美夢,啊!誰


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