Thursday, October 10, 2019

Visiting London Hyde Park Rose Garden 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting London Hyde Park Rose Garden 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Returning to London, England from Cambridge refresh me my visit of the previous year, a tour of the last roses of that summer in England. The Garden has been more emphasizing than the Italian Garden and the Kensington Palace Square Garden in roses. Even though it is a bit small than Queen Mary's Rose Garden at the Regent's still very unique and charming. I marched into a small gate at Bayswater through the Square Garden and the Round Lake of the Kensington along with a soft horse track to the Hyde Rose Garden. Early young lady riders were  coming into the Park for the morning horse walk and soon the Queen's Mounted Guards arrived for the morning drills. It is a treat for tourists to view such a scenery of the old tradition of the Kingdom. They gather by the Rose Garden, not far from the Hyde Gate, to practice turn and line up. I didn't see the running drill like on the side of the Buckingham Palace several years ago and obviously those days the Queen's Horse guards were more experience. There are Grenadier Guards on the guard duty on Buckingham Palace with attracted uniforms and doing the morning changing guard ceremony. I did my Google, after off Palace Guard duty, this Queen's best occasionally sent to duty all over the world like Afghanistan. There is also a real force, an Army barracks, near by the Palace where I passed by and noticed one day.

The sprinklers were on to keep the soil wet, in addition to the climate of London and excellent care of gardeners, the flowers were in perfect condition. The size of the flowers is varies, can be as big as the face of a young lady or as small as a petite chrysanthemum. Some of them are arranged to climb up to fences and racks. In addition to roses, the gardeners make some art designs to grow several kinds of flowers to match colors with roses like unknown yellow colors on several lots uphill. Almost all roses are in excellent appearance and lovely. I have thought of our Texas roses, the song and the flower, I have been in the heaven not mentioning the other colors, red, scarlet, pink, orange, and some other hybrid with spots on the pedals, etc. I have taken hundreds of photos with two cameras and up loaded to my desk top computer when I get home for my collection, a collection of beauty like my lovely adopted daughters from cruise ships. Actually, I can sense the similarity between them.

At my return, I took a route by the Lake Serpentine to visit a pair of parakeets on a big tree by the boat rental. They took advantage of a woodpecker's work to use it as their nest. I noticed it on my visit of the previous week. There are about 40 of them in the Parks while they enjoy the environment and people. Some of them stay at the head and shoulders of the feeders. Across the lake, there is a place called the Serpentine Lido to provide lake swimming for its members all year long. Next to the lake pool is one of the memorial of the late Princess Diana which is also with a small scale of roses lot design with lovely flowers.

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