Friday, July 20, 2018

Visiting friends early in the morning/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting friends early in the morning/Carlos Pueblo

Every morning I walk 2.2 miles about 11 blocks total for my minimum exercises.
It used to be 70 minutes and now sometimes takes more than two hours because
I must visit my sweet heart pet friends early in the morning because they are
waiting to see me. Pet dog Forest and Cat Lily on Chevy Chase Street, Chance on
the corner of Stoneford Street and Olympia, Scott and Ottis on Briarrose Street,
Luke across the Street, Edda and across street neighbor, Spike and Megnis. Of
course, I always run into another 40 also pet dog friends on the streets of the
subdivision during a beautiful days and weekends. Dog friends are simpler and
straight forward.

Forest lives just on the back of our street on Chevy Chase, Christine would open
their wood front door for him to sit and watch cars passing by, of course, looking
forward to greet me in the morning. I must apologize days before if I am going to
miss our visit due to Austin trip or my playing tennis on Saturday morning and my
adventure on foreign travel. Christine and John are retirees from El Paso Pipelines
and I can see that they are well established, both graduated from the University of
Texas and so are their two sons. Christine feeds two squirrels, two doves, and four
cats. She puts trays hanging on the fence for birds and squirrels and cat trays on the
ground. I can see cats are waiting for the food or resting under the bush after eating.
One of the cats is Oreo, a black and white color one who belongs to the same
household of Lily, a gray cat who answers to my whistle and claps. Lily would come out
from the garage through the back fence gate to greet me. I can’t get the same
communication with our cat Yoko San at home.

Chance is a lonely dog after he lost his lady owner, Jim’s wife. Jim is not at home most
of the time. We see Jim’s son coming to stay with Chance’s own sibling. Both can bark
loudly inside the iron gate or chasing through the swimming pool to the back yard
fence gate. He plays catch very well and always show me a beat up tennis ball which I
give him from my used balls collection solely for him.

Scott and Ottis are two handsome black dogs on Briarrose Street. Their owner put them
loose on the back yard in order to let them come to the iron gate to greet me in the
morning. Their owner owns a landscape firm and makes their front lawn very unique, a
kind of lawn like the pudding green on a golf course. Across the Street is Luke, a lab with
pork liver color and bark like a thunder yet very gentle and sweet. He would remind me
if I miss my greeting.

Every morning I start with my lovely friends and now Amy seems to enjoy the routine and
accompany my walk and get to know all my pet friends.   

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