Sunday, July 22, 2018

Managing my own retirement asset/Carlos Pueblo

Managing my own retirement asset/Carlos Pueblo

A good question of how much you need to satisfy your own retirement is really
a way of managing your own retirement funds. I, myself, have repeated the
numbers all the time that involving all factors in my retirement life, i.e. house to
live, food to eat, clothes to wear, transportation to move from point A to point B,
and 20% extra for the other needs.

We paid off our mortgage in 1992, sold the old house in 2012 with a profit, and
bought the current house cash with some profit left. Our house payment is only
the annual real estate tax of approximately $5,200.

We don’t go out to restaurants for eating that often. We cook at home and there
is no complain within our family. I have been forced to go to restaurants on cruise
trips and that is including on my transportation and extra. Our cost of grocery
shopping is about $15,600 a year according to my estimate from Amy’s wisely
selection of 4 super markets every week. $1,300 a month and divided by three
for the number of one, $450 or less.

I wear my old clothes, i.e. routine casual to meet my pet friends and their owners.
I rarely encounter a dress up occasion during my retirement life or unemployment
time. After moving to the current location, I did only once dry cleaning for my old
working suits and preserve them under summer baking of the sun. Therefore, the
cost of clothing is very minimum and approaching to zero.

Vehicle expanses can be estimated as well. Every 5 years, we buy a new car in order
to retire an old and difficult to manage car. I have developed a little complicate system
in the family that I rotate the usage of vehicles among our family members. Now, Amy
and Michelle join force with me to pay the cost of new vehicle and my burden reduces

The total of the above basic cost of my retirement life plus 20% extra for all expenditure
not mentioning on the above will be satisfied by my social security payment, requirement
minimum distribution of pension funds, and I don’t even to touch the Roth IRA or after tax
saving. The amazing part of the investment saving is that sometimes the appreciation of
retirement funds takes care of the expanse and the capital is still growing. I don’t have the
anxiety of the end of stock market or anything else which is not my problem.


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