Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dental appointments in Taipei/ Charles Chuang

Dental appointments in Taipei/ Charles Chuang It takes a long distance to travel to Taipei for the dental appointments. It was because that I had had 9 fallen teeth and 4 of them were the wisdom. It is very expanse to have a dental work done in the United States and I cannot afford it; therefore I must outsource the work to Taiwan like many other industry to China. Before leaving Houston, I decided to have the dental work done by my cousin who inherited his dad’s clinic at Wanhua, Taipei. My uncle had made a denture for his sister, my mother, long time ago and was still working when she died in July this year. He inherited a Japanese dentist, Dr. Furui, when the war ended in 1945 and learned the technology to make fake teeth. I have been informed that the fake teeth technology has been in force for more than 100 years. After I arrived my rental flat at Yunghe, I took a bus directly to Longshan Temple and walked to the old dental clinic on Kueiyang Street nearby another temple called Chinshan Temple. It was closed for that day; therefore I walked around the area. This is the first time that I come back since 1966. A young dentist took care of me the next day and diagnosed that he could only install a temporary denture for me because my stay in Taipei would be too short. I agreed and the nurse started to take X-ray at the back of the office. It was a technician’s office to make gold tooth etc. Now they grow some Japanese golden carps. I can see the fish swimming up and down. He started to fill two cavity adjacent to a fallen tooth, #29, at the lower level and extracted badly damaged one on the other side. The nurse scheduled me for the next appoint at the same location with the old dentist. After the old dentist inspected the wound, he was satisfied and decided to Install a permanent one. He set up clay material for me to bite in order to Make the fake teeth. He quickly cleaned the remaining teeth and asked me to go to his new clinic at Nankang, Taipei. After that he filled additional 9 cavity and made them looked pretty. He figured out all the cost and I paid them all on each appointment. There are two parts of fake teeth, one is #4 on the upper level, the other one Is the lower level with 4 fake teeth under a metal bridge and a curved platform. They are very easy to put on and take off, this is called in and out in the U.S. After receiving the new denture, it’s at the end of my time in Taipei. I had had plenty of time to test them, showing off to my friends at the dinner gathering. He is an excellent dentist and he can also do the dental in plant.

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