Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My individual financial strategy/Carlos Pueblo

My individual financial strategy/Carlos Pueblo
The Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus Pandemic out break is only one of the down turn of the financial market, a severe one as a matter of fact. After I takes the interest of how the response of the U.S. Government, I feel more sure of my individual financial financial strategy which is very aggressively investing my saving in retirement funds in the growth market with no reservation of cash. I'll explain the reasons.

First, I don't have very much impressive of income from the beginning, my last permanent job has been ended in 2001. I get by my regular cost of living by practicing  a frugal way of life and the relying heavily on the emerging growth funds. I have had a small and steady social security income plus a stream of the requirement minimum distribution of my regular retirement accounts according to the IRS regulation. I can still move around my credit card 0% interest loan with a 3% fee paid ahead of the cash transfer which I call it to get something from nothing. In that way, I have created a mortgage for my daughter Michelle on her purchase of a San Antonio house to rent. Total the current income sources, I have had sufficient funds to pass on my life with some extra to save. I am healthy with a very good habit of exercises including the morning walk, tennis, swimming, and gardening, etc. several hours a day. I am under the HMO medical care protection.

Therefore, I can keep my retirement saving 100% percent in growth stock funds in order to utilize the power of that the money making money for me. I don't need the extra cash at hand for doing nothing. I select the emerging growth fund the most, of course, I do have two mistake of holding two blue chip stocks which I gradually withdrawal under the RMD program annually. I believe that every party in the world loves to see the prosper of the U.S. stock market as well as the U.S. prosperity which will benefit all party. After the great depression of 1929, there have been laws and regulations still in force to prevent that from occurring again such as the social security, the unemployment benefit, the federal deposit insurance corp, and some Q1, Q2,and more to save the U.S. economic life. Imaging all of these collapse simultaneously one day and I should be dead and there is no need for me to worry about. I can't get a steady job long enough for me to be satisfied; therefore, I am lucky to save the capital working for me as a second job which I have described several times.

I have no threat of a major spending for the time being, I am driving an old vehicle near to an antic status for my daily swimming an two tennis in a week which are all within a mile. I have developed a system of the family use vehicles which are distributed according to the safety of usage such as Amy drives the newest car, Michelle takes the second, Arthur the third, and I get what left for salvage. We don't waste and make a full use of the vehicle as long as possible. The pandemic has stopped my travelling ever since the beginning of February and I don't see that I can go back to visit my lovely daughters on the cruise; therefore, I have developed my way of new normal life at home free of the expenditure.

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