Sunday, July 19, 2020

Michelle comes back home next Saturday/Carlos Pueblo

Michelle comes back home next Saturday/Carlos Pueblo

Our daughter Michelle will come back home next Saturday to pick up a new door for her new purchased house. It is cheaper for her to rent a truck in Austin and drive to Houston to pick it up. Amy tries to take her to a favorite Cantonese restaurant for dinner and finds that the restaurant is closed due to the Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus Pandemic. I suggest that we just eat at home for what we have made of the pasta every Saturday, the dumpling and steaming buns. Both of them agree. As a matter of fact, I can also do a beef noodle soup.

 She like to invest in rental properties to drive income and is very successful. I don't have to worry about her financial independence. She manage her finance very well. We used to go to Austin to help her do the yard work and house cleaning because that she was busy at work. Now, she can manage by herself well.

It will be a very quick visit which would bring in some excitement for our family. I like to show her my Korean melons inside the dog cage five of them in golden color.

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