Tuesday, July 7, 2020

More American are infected by the virus/Carlos Pueblo

More American are infected by the virus/Carlos Pueblo

More and more American are infected by the Chinese Wuhan novel corona virus including out state of Texas. I have had the luxury to stay myself in a lock down style of life and I can't imagine how people get involved to the virus. Amy is still wearing mask to the super market, I have had my home made mask ready when I have my morning walk, and Arthur tells me that he works at night when less customers are shopping. Patrick, our #4 tennis partner, has a fever and recovering. He wears mask to play double games with us. Cindy informs me that she has a sore throat after coming back from the hill country ranch and I immediately raise up my mask to have my nose covered. 

I don't believe that I am safe from the beginning of the out break of the pandemic. I understand that I am in an excellent environment to be prevented from the disease that I am in a single dwelling house with a small yard, I have been in self exile for quite some time, and I have made  my daily schedule occupied. I know the effective way to deter such risk to be infected. I don't believe my  medicare can do the absolute protection and relax me in case of my infection, neither with Arthur's union group health from his job nor Amy's grandfather type of surgical and hospitalization policy to avoid tax penalty for not having health insurance. Over all I don't believe some American including Donald Trump on the top are ready to understand how severe of the disease to the nation.

I wear my mask, wash my hands often with the soap and keep my social distance according to the advice of physicians from Taiwan. Some people in the society are less fortunate than myself that they have to live in an urban area with crowded space and they have to continue to work in order to keep the income flowing. They can't do the quarantine at the severe period and now it is out of control the entire Texas is overwhelmed.

We must go back to the basic that every life is matter. With a life, there is a hope to get through the hardship. It is not too late and we must set up what is our priority to deal with the pandemic. It is not too late.

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