Friday, March 13, 2020

Returning to visit Wellington, New Zealand 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Returning to visit Wellington, New Zealand 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Finally, we came back from Akaroa on the South Island to Wellington on the southern end of the North Island, yet it was still under the threat of rain all day. Professor Susan and I decided to walk at the downtown. After getting off the shuttle bus at the first stop by the campus of the Law School of the Victoria University of Wellington Ripitea Campus, we went to visit the Parliament Building, following Waterloo Quay to the Museum of New Zealand. I took the shuttle bus back while she continued to visit other places.

The Parliament building is across Lambton Quay from the law school which I was mistaken of a governmental building. We were bumped out for a 10 am visit and instead we walked out of the building after listening to a short presentation of the Parliament. There is only one house of the Parliament in New Zealand once the house decides to legislate, a procedure  is to the general public for a vote of approval then becomes a law. I was attracted by a rose garden outside of the building and took some photos. We went to visit the old St. Paul's Church and the Welling Cathedral of St. Paul. We passed by the Wellington Railway Station.

On our way toward the National Museum, we passed by several interesting places like the high rises, a civic center, a city bridge then saw  the unique design of the Museum not far away. We did visit the Museum inside. It is what everybody said that all New Zealand is in it. It was a repeat of my first visit of the Capital City a week ago. I was satisfied and decided to return to the ship. When I write this journal by checking to the map, I know that I miss the Wellington Botanic Garden not that far away.

Mary Ann, my daughter who did not make it in Auckland due to visa difficulty arrived. She had to ask her brother to take home and wait for several days to go back to Manila to fly to Wellington. It was an error of the employment agency. Most of the staff work for eight months for a contract and go off for two months for vacation while a restaurant manager like Nigel, Jenny's husband works for four months and the captain of the ship only works for two months and off due to the heavy stress of their job.

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