Saturday, March 21, 2020

Re-visiting the Fiordland National Park, New Zealand 2019/Carlos Pueblo

Re-visiting the Fiordland National Park, New Zealand 2019/Carlos Pueblo

We left Port Charmers in the evening overnight sail around the southern end of the South Island and up toward the Fiordland National Park of New Zealand. We visited three fjords one by one at a time in a day. Dusky Fjord 10:30 am-12:30 pm; Doubtful Fjord 2:30 pm-4:00 pm; Milford Sound 7:30 pm-9:00 pm. This is what I understand of the terminology of a fiord, a fjord and a sound in the area. A sound is a river valley that has been drowned due to the land sinking below the sea level. Fiords are created by glacial action that produces u-shaped valleys with stiff cliffs. These two are the definition by the cruise daily report. Fiords and Fjords are commonly used each other for the same thing and I don't see Sounds used in Alaska may be the glacier involved.

It got all passengers excited and piled up in every viewing area on the ship, platforms outside on deck 12, 13, and 14; Restaurants and bars on every decks; and all pedestrian paths on deck 7 and 13 or poor area, etc. I took several shots for new friends from Taiwan yet forgot to ask their address to send back pictures. It was windy and with a threat of rain. The cliff and water fall are very unique. I have had good memories of Alaska's, Chilean's and Argentina's Fjords. One gentleman from that Taiwanese group tells me the Norwegian's Fjord is even more beautiful. I could see the water falls flying down to the sea with steam blast and the captain slowed down the ship when we approached a large one at the Milford Sound. The cruise has been provided the only transportation to view the amazing scenery entirely in such short time and I don't see highway available. It has been kept in the original form, a premier World Heritage Sites.

Young people in both New Zealand and Australia like to jump from the top of the cliff or bridge to get their excitement. To do such sport, you must have a strong heart to hold the blood pressure.

I have established my rapport with daughters at restaurant especially at the O'Sheehan's, almost 24 hours in operation. I can sit at the restaurant to watch the performers and chat with the hostess if she is available, means not busy. Mary Lo is a lovely girl from Canton, China and residing with her parents in Canada and now in Lima, Peru. She was asked to stay one more month before her get-off date in Auckland.

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