Saturday, December 29, 2018

Learning Japanese/Carlos Pueblo

Learning Japanese/Carlos Pueblo

Before my cruise trip in late October, 2018, I enrolled to a beginner
Japanese class at a Precinct community center. I have been very
comfortable with Nagamoto Sensei’s teaching even though I have
missed two of the classes due to the cruise. I have had one eight
weeks session more than 10 years before and since than I have
attempted to a self-study route to tackle with my desire of learning
Japanese. Sensei comforts me that if I have stayed in Japan for three
months, I would be able to converse with the locals in Japanese.

I think of this matter with a conclusion based on my foreign language
learning, Mandarin Chine as well as English, that what I miss is the
recital process. I have applied the classical Chinese recital habit in
schools to English when taken English classes at a younger age. I do
no longer apply such procedure when I take Japanese and Spanish.
They are a leisure learning without the examination pressure; therefore,
the progress is limited. Sensei makes up to start with most basic exchange
of conversation by making a simple sentence.

Japanese language is very interesting. I just learn that my son Arthur can
say some Japanese because he watches Japanese shows and plays Japanese
computer games. I have to rely on English translation for Japanese songs,
poems, and classical movies, etc. in order to apprehend their beauty. When
I visit Japan more than three months actually, I can only get by mostly by
speaking English and some help from Kanji. It is very unfortunate.

I don’t try to make an excuse for my slowly progress in learning Japanese.
I can solve the Kanji issue because I am familiar with this part of Japanese
language. Japanese has verbs conjugation similar to the European languages
and very complicate patterns of sentences, i.e. plain, polite, and respectful.
I have to take it for granted that infinite form, the dictionary form, should be
accepted even violate the conjugation form in all Latin derivatives. It is also
appear in written forms. It is amazing.

I shall watch more Japanese movies, TV shows, and more books in order to
make a break through. Our class is continue for another session and I am
working on it.

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