Monday, December 31, 2018

Hunduras caravan/Carlos Pueblo

Hunduras caravan/Carlos Pueblo

Hunduras caravan becomes an urgent issue affecting the U.S. politics lately
because that the U.S. Government is 25% shutdown now due to the flooded
immigrants from Hunduras, Guatemula, and El Salvador that worries Trump.
The Congress will not give him the money to build a small portion of the wall
along Mexican border, 5.6 billion fund can’t go very far as we know of the U.S.
currency nowadays. How do we deter such worry of the U.S. society?

Basically, all three Central American countries are fail nations for hundreds of
years and people can’t be survived at their homeland especially women as I
watch You Tube documentary; therefore, they move. They move on every
direction which I find in Europe. Politicians in Europe Union manage a different
way, they accept it and attempt to deal with it for the refugee of the Middle
East. The thinking of British exit voters are identical to Trump wall to block it
with seas around the isles. EU tells the U.K. that there is a cost to pay. Democrats
in U.S. tell Trump the cost of wall that we don’t want to pay.

Therefore, we take the traditional methods to deal with the issue, first with aid
to help these three nations to get on their feet and second to strengthen our
border security without such costly wall like repair the existence border fence
and increase border patrol and safety measure, etc. Stop the U.S. weapon flow
out to Mexico and drug flow to the U.S. We have done that for generation.

Be careful with the trade war with China. China has a sign of hard landing of
its economic condition. We can see that it affects the U.S. stock market lately.
If China collapsed, we are going to see the flooded Chinese refugee to the U.S.,
Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, and Europe, etc. It’s much bigger volume the
Hunduras Caravan with less than 50,000 refugee on Mexican border. Do not
distract American attention from his own legal issues with American laws.

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