Friday, September 4, 2015

After a failed cataract surgery/ Carlos Pueblo

After a failed cataract surgery/ Carlos Pueblo

Two weeks ago, I went to a failed cataract procedure, the eye surgeon
recommended me visit another eye surgeon in the medical center area
for another procedure. The second procedure was done four days later
and was a better one. The surgeon cleaned the remaining fragment  and
the artificial lens placed after the first procedure. The doctor is very pleased
that my left eye is recovering well after a second visit in a week after the
procedure. What is wrong with my first procedure?

When the first surgeon attempted to remove the cataract, the original lens,
He ran into a liquid portion of the cataract and it could not be cleaned by his
Equipment; therefore, he placed a new artificial lens and closed the procedure.
I could see a thin layer of cataract on my lens, like put a semi clear grocery bag
on my head and look through the bag. I also felt  a small piece on my upper
part of left eye, which was a piece of that liquid cataract. The first doctor indicated
that fragment might slip to the bottom of the eye; therefore, a second procedure
should be done within a week. Actually, the second surgeon got it done in four

In addition to clean up the fragment, he put bubbles into the eye to stabilize the
retina. Each time of my visit, he and his nurse always ask me where is the bubble line.
The said that the line would gradually come down and disappear. At present, I see
That line is in the middle of my eye, when I look down the line changed to be a circle
about my lens size. I shall recover my vision only after the bubble line come down and

Because of these two cataract procedures, I go on to check on what is cataract removal.
Actually, the cataract is the natural lens in our eye, it may grow cloudy when we get in
years. I have had my right eye cataract removed in my late 40’s or early 50’s. It was a
very simple procedure without any complication. My home medical guide points out
the procedure existed in India more than three thousand years ago. Cataract is one of
the reason caused a man’s blindness. In that old guide book, there were about 50,000
procedures done annually in the U.S. The procedure is very simple, the eye surgeon
would shake off the old cataract and replace a new lens. This surgery reminds me my
old dog friends, some of them, I can see their cataract cloud clearly by my bare eyes.
The only problem is the dog has no Medicare or any sort of health insurance. I did see
one procedure done to a female wolf in the Yellowstone National Park.

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