Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Living at Village West subdivision (2)/Carlos Pueblo

Living at Village West subdivision (2)/Carlos Pueblo

Turning south on Stoneford dr., there are 6 streets parallel to Stoneford.
This is the interior section of Village West subdivision. I have met so many
dog friends for the past three years, most of them are still here yet some have
left since. A gentleman would walk two small dogs from the swimming pool
area home through Stoneford, Olympia, Woodland Park and turn west to
Briar Forest and back. Both dogs bark at me first and then after his intervene
the dogs become very quiet and friendly. An old small dog Prisely, black and
white, has lost his vision and hearing, would walk with his lady owner for two
blocks. When I whistle at a distance, the owner would stop walking and waits
for me. He can smell and shake his tail for good morning. I am so happy to see
him once in a while to make sure he is alright.

Eve, our homeowners association director, has two dogs, one dog dad Packman
and his daughter dog Princess. Both dogs were my earlier friends when we moved
in and one day near Thanksgiving last year, a lawn man forgot to close a fence gate
and let Princess out. She never comes back and Packman is no longer coming out
to walk. Another one black laboratory owned by Gloria, another HOA director, is
9 years old yet with chronicle disease and no longer be able to walk. The third
missing dog friend  was a small dog looked like Prisely, black and white, walking
from Wickersham toward Stoneford. I was jealous for him so nice towards another
lady walker. His owner told me that she always gave him a treat and he was expecting.
Prisely’s owner tells me that they have moved away, I don’t see that lady walker as

Mia is missing and I am worried. Mia is a deaf white dog 18 years old as her owner
tells me. She would ignore me as always and let me speak to her lady owner. She told
me that she gave up any future rescue plan for her and I agreed.  They live on the same
street as Gloria. There are another two ladies walking their dogs which I meet quite
frequently on Stoneford Street. Anna, an Armenian, walks two dogs. She loves traveling
and gives me many story of her trip such as Europe ,Thailand, and China etc. Another
one lady walks a small hairy dog which we become good friends to say hallo in the
morning. There are some other dogs walkers coming to Stoneford in different morning;
however, two families with three lovely dogs which I am very fond of,  one is a white lab
another two are a pair of hairy small dogs. White lab may come out once in a while with
his owner, he is very friendly. Another pair would come out of the back door and bark
at me when I am approaching. I come closed and sometime meet their owner.

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