Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The spicy seafood udon at Jasmine Restaurant/Carlos Pueblo

The spicy seafood udon at Jasmine Restaurant/Carlos Pueblo

Every night for my snack, I went to Deck 7 mid-ship Jasmine Restaurant to
have my spicy seafood udon, green tea, and green tea ice cream. I believe
that the soup noodle is one of the best in the market with slice flower on
snow white squid, large shrimps, craw cake, scallion on top and even fresh
cilantro presented. I was very touched and reminded me my good memory
of more than 66 years ago in the rural hometown of Puli, Taiwan. My dad
used to take us, one at a time to the downtown for a snack bowl of noodle
soup, a plain of noodle with pork bone boiled broth, a piece of marinate egg,
plus a slice of pork meat. He could only afford such luxury treat to two of his
sons one at a time. I have come from a long way. I have adopted many of my
daughters at Jasmine, first, I must mention again that Cristina has been here
before her injury leave. The current manager, Richie of Mauritia, used to work
under her and we had had such kinship due to her. He sometimes delivered the
bowl to me directly if the waitress was tied up.

Delora is a senior waitress and teach me Tagalog language. Her instruction is
very effective and ready to put in good use. I, then, made up broken sentences
to everyone on board such as: Mabuhay, mandangang umaga, comosta ga?
mis kita sobra, ako si Carlos Pueblo de Formosa, un neutralized Filipino. Mis kita
sobra. Ang ganda ganda mo talaga, mahal na mahal kita sobra. OK la paalam!
The ship’s Tagalog official instructor said that was not broken sentences at all
and people understood. It means, How are you? Good morning, my name is
Carlos Pueblo of Taiwan, a neutralized Filipino. I miss you so much that you’re
so pretty and I love you very much. I am OK and goodbye.

Catherine is a very cute young girl and always indicates that I adopt her at the
first sight and that is very true. One day when we were departed, she asked me
where I was going next. Casino I replied and she was mad and stepped down her
foot with disgust. I explained immediately that was a routine visit to my casino
daughters and there were 6 of them. Another one is Janice, a senior waitress like
Delora. This pretty with golden spectacles looks like a Mandarin lady also with
Good Japanese manners as a host. At the final night with my spicy noodle, she
practiced her bow in Japanese and I replied accordingly. It is fun.

Before the end, I should mention Michael, another experienced waiter. He knew
many of the alumni of my 2016 trip with Jade especially a waiter with a Japanese
surname, Miyako, Fabian Miyako. Fabian is now with the Star going to Europe. I
miss him very much. His grandfather was in the Imperial Army invaded Philippine
and stayed after the war. He is a very fine gentleman.

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