Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hong Kong Independence/Carlos Pueblo

Hong Kong Independence/Carlos Pueblo

Hong Kong Independence is the only way out of the Hong Kong issue. People in Hong Kong can manage their own nation as well as any one nation in the world. When Hong Kong was annexed by China in 1997 under the name of one China two systems which means Hong Kong remains 50 years self rule system in different from Chinese authoritarian rule. It has been a tragedy for Hong Kong ever since. I visited Hong Kong four days in January, 2020 and I felt the pain of Hong Kong under the Chinese rule. Hong Kong can be a very progressive nation if she can be ruled by herself, i.e., people are well educated with the rule of law in their mind and experience.

It is not difficult for me who has 27 years of life under the Chinese authoritarian rule in Taiwan. I felt hopeless. That Chinese dictator was Chiang Kai-sek and his Nationalist Party. Since then, Taiwan is gradually transferred into a democratic nation even though is still under the territorial threat from China. At lease Taiwan can defend herself and plan her own future under a genuine democratic system that people can choose their leaders under the law. Taiwan is prosperous. I like to see that Hong Kong is free of the Chinese rule and also I like to see something occurs in China as well.

I like to see that China is broken up into s smaller size like before the Manchu Dynasty. Let Tibet free, let East Turkestan free, let Inner Mongolia free, and let Manchuria free, etc. Chinese Communist regime is not capable to manage such a huge nation and the problem is that they don't know it. Most of the Chinese don't like to live under the current Chinese rule. They don't feel safe or comfortable under the authoritarian system. I feel the Wuhan Novel Corona Virus Pandemic is a begin of a change that current Communist China will be collapsed and Hong Kong will be free eventually.

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