Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Receiving gift chives/Carlos Pueblo

Receiving gift chives/Carlos Pueblo

The chives is an onion family or something related to garlic by its common English name with garlic chives. It is very common now a day on the oriental super market. It is very easy to grow on the yard with a small space. What I do with the chives is unique, I cook my breakfast with eggs and the chives, usually the bottom part of the stem to replace the onion white for flavor then scramble the pan till it is done. Amy would buy a small batch of the chives every week if she remembers. Mrs. Chiu Ying Lee, an old friend, gives us a whole bunch of the chives this time almost every year. She has a small garden on her back yard used to be for roses and now chives and is very successful. She is one of the two families which I pick the persimmon often.

I sometimes regret that I have missed the joy of growing something enough on my back yard in my life. If there is an acres lot of my house, I can till some part to grown fruits, flowers, and vegetables, etc. Now I barely make it to a 8000 square feet lot with lawn of some fruits trees and flowers not that organized. It might be easier just go to the market to get what I need. I find that is easier to walk in the morning on the neighbors and enjoy their nice garden instead.

I know two friends who go out to the city to have lands, 50 acres or 100 acres in size. One makes a lot with well water to help her to grow something. It is too far for me to get her gift during harvest. I can't imagine the hundred acres farm which he can only let the hay grows. The U.S. is a nation of abundance that grows too much to serve as a gift to the needed part of the world.

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