Friday, October 25, 2013


再論先母遺產/莊峻華 幾週來我已經快放棄,解決先母兩棟遺產問題,正想我年紀已經很大, 無法目睹和平解決之日,只好留給子女,而且已交待琳兒我無意參加 繼承,剛好讀到惠美姐來信,拜讀三封與此遺產無直接牽涉之往事, 有件涉及與惠美姊共購房產,我有專文回覆,該房產實在無利潤,19 年投資,許多部份是泡湯,剛好賣出同時,有另一屋獲薄利,加上19 償還折舊額,幫忙一些稅務。 惠美姊一封信給峰弟,許多指責,許多無奈,我想都不是當今遺產繼 承之決定因素,茜茜有幫忙民主路購屋前款,大致上無人有異議,有 異議者,應在第二階段提出,就是將遺產從過世者,轉移給七位繼承 子女,如何分?如何償還先母當年告貸子女之款項?如果茜茜之40萬 新台幣,出國前借給先母購買該屋,應該在遺產變賣時,和峰弟之加 蓋部份成本,我不同意之墓地購買費用等,一起扣除。 彩菊信我亦拜讀,寫得很好,我們夫妻非常欽佩,峰弟與妳對持家育 子之努力,若先父諱明來公有知,必大加欣慰,處理先母遺產一事, 我雖不才,無畏不孝大罵名,必全力以赴,取得一合理合法之解決。 Further discussion of the properties inheritance by Charles Chuang I have almost given up the idea to solve our mother’s two properties during my life time. I am getting old and I doubt that I can witness a peaceful resolution, I therefore advise Michelle, my daughter, that I have no intention, neither does she and Arthur, to have any piece of them. Coincidently, I receive three e-mails from Hui-Mei, even though there are not relevant to this inheritance, I still write my first response to her first claim letter in 2000. Hu-Mei must understand what the fault means, it doesn’t like put the deposit to the bank under FDIC. Hui-Mei’s 2nd e-mail to Chun Feng, there were very much complaint, mentioning the down payment for Minchu Road property from Grace. I did ask Grace to provide the information upon the 2nd stage table to pay her back for the amount NT$400,000 as long as Chun Feng’s cost for the addition of the main building, as my cost of the funeral expanse. I also have the honor to read Chai Gue’s letter to Hui-Mei and Mother, back in 2002. I appreciate this and I like to advise we all read this letter. My wife and I feel very humble when we witness both Chun Feng and your effort to bring up two wonderful children, if our deceased father noticed, he would be very delightful. I will engage myself fully to resolve this matter of inheritance.

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