Monday, March 25, 2019

Chinkoukulo or Jukoukulo/Carlos Pueblo

Chinkoukulo or Jukoukulo/Carlos Pueblo

When I was at my senior high school, this was in the early 60’s, my
Maiden great uncle told me the Japanese word of Chinkoukulo, literally
means slaves of Chinkouk or Manchu Dynasty. It was because that Taiwan
had been a colony of Manchu Dynasty for generation. According to Chinese
traditional politic, the conquerors are always as masters and the conquered
are always slaves. Citizens or people who are under the dictators’ rule are
belonged to the masters as different classes of slaves. Chinese slaves systems
have been more sophisticated than the western slaves records. There is never
any human right civilization established in any of the Chinese tradition in
history. According to what I read of the report of the United Nations, Slaves
are still existed in China and I have met one self- claimed modern Chinese slave
at Frankfurt International Airport on his way back to China from a Caribbean
construction project. Now, I learn Japanese and I can say it as Jukoukulo, as the
Chinese slave. All Chinese are slaves of the current Communist regime in Beijing.

Before coming to the United States in 1975, I was under the Nationalist Chinese
Rule as a Jukoukulo and the slave master was Chiang Kai-sek who was deceased
In April of that same year before my departure of Taiwan in August yet Taiwan was
still continued under the slave martial laws. I have experience as a Chinese slave for
years. In 1989, Chiang’s son died and a Taiwanese slave succeeded him as a defacto
master, or President of the Republic of China occupied in Taiwan. He gradually improved
the human right condition in Taiwan by lifting the martial laws and held a national
election in 1996 to make a mandate of ruling. Taiwan is still a colony of China, the ROC.
Taiwanese enjoy certain degree of freedom yet still heavy affected by traditional
Chinese slave philosophy among education, media, and basic constitution, etc. Human
Right in Taiwan is much better off than in China under the communist rule.

Recently, the Chinese controlled media in Taiwan advocate the benefit of trade between
Taiwan and China, they call them cross Formosan Straight. Representatives of Hong Kong,
Macau, and China sign import agreement with a newly elected Nationalist Chinese mayor
Of a southern city of Taiwan under a banner of 92 Consensus and One China Two systems.
The KMT, the Nationalist, promote a peace treaty or agreement with China for the future
benefit of Taiwan. Taiwanese concerned have pointed it out the consequence of treaties
with China such as Tibet, Hong Kong, and Macau, etc. I firmly believe that under Chinese
rule we are going to be a slave again, a Jukoukulo of the People Republic ofChnia worse off
than a colony of the ROC.

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