Friday, February 15, 2019

E-mail back photos to daughters/Carlos Pueblo

E-mail back photos to daughters/Carlos Pueblo

During my adoption procedure on board with my daughters, I request
to take photos with these pretty ladies and have their e-mail addresses
in order to mail back their pictures with me later for the remembrance.
I have started it in several days before when I finished my journal with
Pearl on the last Eastern Caribbean cruise. I’ll explain how I do it and
Identify them correctly from my notes.

There is an order of photos taken one from another on any kind of my
Note on board, can be on a piece of a pad paper, on a notebook, and an
old name card, etc. When I put up on the desk top, there is an order
which I can track the names from the sequence of photos taken. I do
have some vivid memory of some whom I have had conversation with.
One by one that I have identified toward the end of my list of 40 almost
on this trip.  

I shall send my writing blog site to them first to test their e-mail addresses
to make sure if the address is working. Then, I shall send all photos to
them as I have promised. Some of them do keep the correspondence and
some of them do go to my blog, i.e. I can see my readers from some of the
nation on Google’s statics, i.e. Philippines, Indonesia, and the unknown
territory which means from China, etc. It is very interesting.

I am going back to cruise again very soon and I anticipate to meet some of
my daughters again somewhere on some ships. I am going to meet and
adopted some more daughters. This is a very unique group of youngsters
who are pretty, hardworking, and very polite to their passengers. As I have
mentioned so many times that I don’t see that often in my real life experience
anywhere in the world.   

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