Sunday, February 24, 2019

A government should or would do list/Carlos Pueblo

A government should or would do list/Carlos Pueblo

Many Democrats jump into the 2020 Presidential campaign to
challenge the right to replace the Republican’s President Donald
Trump. They all have had several political agenda to improve the
function of the government to satisfy needs of America. I’ll list
three or four of them, Medicare for all, free college education,
increase minimum wage, and improve the immigration policy.
It is what I define as a government should or would do list of the
popular progressive wing of the U.S.

Medicare for all requires huge fund to make the same quality of
service for current day qualifiers senior citizen when reach 65. If
we move up the national priority we would make it and they
thought that we would do it. This means that we can’t cut more
tax and we can’t have huge national defense budget. In our family,
there is one member, Amy, left alone without adequate health
insurance to cover her health insurance need because that she is
too rich to join discounted Obama care or Medicaid for the low
income citizen. She pays some high premium for her grandfather
type of major medical policy with $10,000 deductible and our
family savings shall back her up. It would be nice to get her in
Medicare even if we pay some of the premium. Fortunately, she
is healthy and very close to 65.

Free college education for all is another should and would do for
a government. I am very conservative on this part and I am against
to forgive the huge college loans accumulated by some college
students and make such as a headache for students themselves as
well as the banks which the loans are provided. My study shows that
the cost of college education for in state students after Hope and
Lifetime Tax credit can help some cost, of course, we still should
prepare ourselves for the costly college education. Both of my
children finished degrees within the state universities and under our
personal budget and their first pay checks went directly to their IRA

We can’t wait for the high minimum wedge to begin our work. My son
Arthur is still on a minimum wage after 11 year of work at a super market
and last year was the first year his dividend savings super pass his earn
income annually. Don’t waste time to wait for the argument of should and
would from the government.


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