Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Civic lessons on You Tube/Carlos Pueblo

Civic lessons on You Tube/Carlos Pueblo

During different ages of my life, I have been attracted to civic lessons of
every kind even in the era of the martial law in Taiwan. I always like to
know everything about the political environment around me. Recently,
I have been hooked by the You Tube cable TV talk shows posting about
Donald Trump fiasco which directs me to the understanding of the
separation of powers in the United States of America. Trump is the leading
actor of the show, the media expose it, legal experts analyze it, the laws
investigate it, and the courts and people’s houses judge it, etc. It becomes
very depressing and interesting for the last three years.

Trump is facing arrows coming to him from every direction systematically.
He has to employ lawyers to fence him off any harm. The best for me to
describe this phenomenon is at the end of the first Emperor of China, 207
B.C., all hunters arisen to hunt the big game. In the modern day of the country,
dissidents criticize him according to the laws which they learn it and practiced
it according to their experience and people like me learn it from various civic
lessons. Even in Texas, a very conservative state, the poll is against Trump for
the first time recently for more than 11%.

I have to conclude it in a short paragraph that Trump is a showman. I don’t
believe that he gains any fame or money as the President of this great Nation.
He is an embarrassment of himself and laughing stock in history. He must
manage his money legally to pay his lawyers, court cost, and mental stress
from now on his old life. He can’t even satisfy his young and pretty wife.

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