Thursday, February 28, 2019

Cohen’s testimony before going to jail/Carlos Pueblo

Cohen’s testimony before going to jail/Carlos Pueblo

U.S. Congress, Senate and House, both feel that they need Michael
Cohen to testify in front of the Congress committee to help the people
to understand what is going on with Donald; therefore, they invite him
to the Congress three times, two close door and one open to be televised.
I have watched significant part of his testimony and review with several
analysis afterward on You Tube political commentary. It has been a whole
day and night with a meaningful civic lesson.

American voters grant the Democrat to have this opportunity to hold the
hearing because the Republican prohibit such hearing in order to protect
Donald Trump. It is a drill of the American democracy, separation of power.
I have been through Clinton Impeachment in the 90’s and I feel very confidence
that I vote the Democrat on election is correct. In comparing of the degree of
urgency, Trump should be impeached by now. I understand the reason why
half of American voters think.

Even under the jeopardy or lying to the Congress again, he still keeps his sense
of humor. When a Republican congressman kept on repeating attack of his
previous lying to Congress and a pathological liar, he responded with a question
that the Congressman was referring to Donald Trump? The Congressman’s 5
minutes ran out.

According to my civic lessons from You Tube, Cohen has committed to a crime
by lying to the Congress because that he lies under oath. He pays the price and
is going to the jail. His crime is also involving at least three persons in one case,
Trump’s chief financial officer and one of his son whose signature appeared on
checks reimbursed to Cohen. The laws seemed to be unable to tough the seating
President even though his signature is also appeared on the first check. This is
very interesting.   

I agree with the House Committee Chair that the hearing is good for the American
Democracy. I believe the check and balance is very vital and I don’t believe Trump
can get away for his unlawful behavior.

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