Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Si, conozco Keiko Fujimori/Carlos Pueblo

Si, conozco Keiko Fujimori/Carlos Pueblo

I ran into an assistant waitress from Argentina, Alicia, on the ship and also
Knew that 25 of Peruvian also on the ship. I could practice my Spanish with
them to improve my slowly progress of Spanish studying. She was very shy
girl, after listening to my plan for future cruise to South America, she only
wished to work on the Sun, the ship on duty for that route, in order to be
closer to her home country. Another youngster, Freddy, was more talkative.
He is from Peru. At the time, there was a national election going to run off
and I made up a story in spoken Spanish including several simple sentences.
Si, connozco Keiko Fujimori ,por que? Conozco Alberto. I said that I knew
Keiko Fujimori, the one ahead at the first poll, because I was a friend of
Alberto Fujimori, her father, why? I spoke Japanese. He knew that I knew he
was in jail. You should look at his face full of surprise and appreciation for an
old man knowing so much about his country. He became one of my best friends
on the ship and I applied the same story to all Peruvian I ran into and most of
them appreciated my effort to learn the language.

Most of the time, they were very busy, yet the ship encouraged them to communicate
with the passengers. They spoke in good manor, low voice, and sincerity to high degree.
16 days on the ship was a very long time, I could see them at the restaurants, utensils
folding room, and mopping the floor etc. I would check on my textbook in the stage room
to make up a new sentence before I went out and practice it right away to impress them,
of course, I did not forget regular greeting during the day and departure.

One day almost at the end of our journey, my newly adoptive daughter asked me going
to the employee talent show to support one of her subordinate, Alicia, on her performing.
I was anxiously obey the order because that was one of my favorite on the cruise entertainment.
Freddy also asked me to go because that he had a perform as well. I sit in the very front and
Alicia came out to perform a belly dancing with a recording music instead of Freddy’s banjo
Support because his instrument was not working properly. I applauded as hard as I could and
answered the guess question correctly, her national origin, and even added her name and
stated it that she was my friend in Spanish proudly. I really had had a wonderful time and several fellow passengers were sitting behind me and indicated so later in the restaurant.

Keiko Fujimori lost to the run-off with a small margin after I came back from Europe. I told
another Peruvian worker on the Sun to Alaska, Angela. We did not have very much time to
converse yet I did remember Amy was asking her if she understood my Spanish. I was so
appreciated of her compliment. 

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