Thursday, July 28, 2016

Cherry blossom on St. Stephen Green/Carlos Pueblo

Cherry blossom on St. Stephen Green/Carlos Pueblo

During my search of new chip for my Canon Camera, I walked into the famous
campus of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. St. Stephen Green Park is just adjacent
to it. Spring cherry blossom were all over on both places. It was indeed a bonus
to me for all the trips this year, Tidal Basin of Washington, D. C., Kensington and
Hyde Park, London, and St. Stephen Green, Dublin.

Trinity College is one of the prettiest university campus I have ever visited, no lake
not very much green land, all beautiful huge classical buildings. St. Stephen Green
like a part of the university with small lake, flower gardens, green grass fields. Both
campus and park are with charming cherry blossom, at least I can identify 5 different
kinds of flower cherry trees, red pink Fugenzo, white Shirfugen, kwanzan, Akebono,
and a red flower which I forget the name I have seen it near Jefferson Memorial
facing Tidal Basin. All of these the blossom and green leaves are simultaneously
coming out in the spring and last a little bit more than a week and you will see the
padels  fallen down all over the ground. No need to be sorry when the  beautiful flowers
are gone, they will be back next spring. This is why I always enjoy to observe cherry
blossom in Washington, D.C., in Tokyo, Japan., In London., In Vancouver, Canada., and
now in Dublin, Ireland.

St. Stephen Green Park has gardens, lake, green area which is well planned. There was
a story on stand in front of a small house about the rebellion in early 20th century.
Both British and Irish rebel force agreed a cease fire every morning and allowed the
Park chief to feed the animal birds on the pond. Irish could not hold the Park and
eventually, Ireland went independent from Britain.

It was on Saturday with a sunshine day. People came to visit both the College and the Park.
Other than cherry blossom, there were turnips, roses, and some other tree blossom all
over both places. I had been back three times during my 5 days visit of Dublin even I ran
into raining day, the Park was still very pretty.

On my way to visit the city, every place with a green yard, there were always cherry
blossom to make the city very unique. I like Dublin because of this landscape and I
even ignore forget to take a note of all of those pretty classical buildings in the city,
their names and their history, they will be there when I come back to visit.

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