Friday, October 8, 2021

The traditional home remedy/Carlos Pueblo

 The traditional home remedy/Carlos Pueblo

Recently, both Amy and I have had individual health issue upon ourselves. She has a tooth ache while I have a cold. We have nothing at home to stop her pain and she can't get to her dentist and I refuse to take any medicine to cure my problem because I do have my traditional home remedy which I have learned it at home since my childhood. We're both from a very humble background and we didn't have the luxury to visit a doctor when we're young in Taiwan even in the U.S. I don't see my physicians very often. I am lucky that I have been very healthy; however, I still gt some issues that I must attend to. Finally, She agrees to try the Mung bean soup recipe while I use one of the home made remedy, the lemon juice and the honey in boiling water to get rid off my cold.

Both recipes are Chinese herb medicine oriented. Make a cup of boiling mung bean soup with a small amount of the salt and drink it can less the tooth ache to some degree that you can be tolerant before you reach the dentist for a pain killer drug. According to herb medicine, the mung bean is a cold material and tooth ache is because a part of our body is in heat and pain and must be cooling down. I have listened to my mother's advise for all my life and have learned it. I believe that many of my siblings are still practicing this remedy. Eventually I have had majority of my lost teeth coming out through this way and I have my fake teeth made to cover my lost function while Amy has gone through two root canal procedures to keep two teeth last a little bit longer.

I went to swim several times after September last week. It was not as hot as before. I got a familiar cold symptom cough which I couldn't get rid off. I know that I must act immediately with my home remedy. It is very simple that I pull the boiling water into a large thermal jar with the honey and lemon juice in it. I can feel the clearing mucus in my throat and I swallow a tea spoon of the honey and loquat mixture, it's a famous herbal medicine product, as my supplement.

During the winter while the grape fruit is abundant, we can drink the fresh juice to get rid off the cold or can simply purchase the juice made on the super market. It comes from my later mother-in-law and help me many times while I am away travelling around the world. I also pass on the remedy as tips to my beloved daughters on cruise ships especially hot lemon honey in the boiling water that are plenty at the cafeteria.

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