Thursday, October 15, 2020

Voted on 10/13/2020/Carlos Pueblo


Voted on 10/13/2020/Carlos Pueblo

We went to Tracy Gee Community Center to vote on 10/13/2020, the first day of Texas early voting day. We had to wait on a long line even though we arrived at the center way before 7:00 am. Voters were very waiting patiently with masks on and 6 feet apart. Because no straight ticket selection, we must select our choice individually and that is one of the reasons of taking a long time to complete the vote. We got it finished at 8:20 am. The Wall Street Journal has a piece of report that on the first day of voting, there are 128,186 votes casted in Harris County almost double the numbers 67,741 in 2016. I feel released after my vote and I can move on.

Our Tuesday morning tennis was moved to 8:30 am from regular 8:00 am. I have had three Republican companions to play with. They are very curious why I must vote on that morning at that time to interfere with our tennis. It is because that we are anxious to get it done. Now, we don’t have anything hanging on our shoulders because that we have done our duty as good citizen. We can still read the news about the election yet it is up to the rest of the U.S. voters.

I believe that the election is going to proceed smoothly all over the country. I don’t believe Trump’s poll watchers can do anything. You are not allowed to stay inside after you vote. You will be asked to leave the poll center in order to allow voters to park their cars. If you insist to stay to watch, the constable will ask you to leave and of course you can’t carry a weapon to enter center not like at the State House of Lansing, Michigan. I don’t even imagine that there will be a civil war if Trump loses on 11/03/2020. I believe the CBS can project the winner right after western coast states close their polls. I still don’t see how Trump can refuse to vacate the White House if he loses. Will he start his civil war from his golf resorts in Florida? The U.S. in history is not afraid of the British Empire, Spanish Empire, German Empire, and Japanese Empire, etc., of course, not even the bankrupted Trump Empire.

Last night, I did have a nightmare about Russian Putin’s attempts to do it again for Trump. Stalin used to say according to my Serbia tennis partner Peter. It doesn’t matter how you vote, it is matter how you count the vote. Man, that bothers me dearly.

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