Thursday, October 8, 2020

My new circle of friends/Carlos Pueblo


My new circle of friends/Carlos Pueblo

After the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus pandemics, I have built a new way of life called the new normal. My life boundary is really around my subdivision of 12 streets between two sections. I can’t go to travel due to the cancellation of the flight and the cruise. It is real and is very sad. However, I do build a new normal life and enjoy the most of my daily activities. I think that I don’t ask very much and only care about my health both physically and mentally. Friendships toward the others have come to help to fulfill the task.

First, I must define between an acquaintance and a friend. An acquaintance means that I know you even frequently see you around while a friend means that we can converse a little bit further about our interest, of course not including a loan of some kinds. After I lost my major contract of my insurance business in 2001, I suddenly lost most of my contacts built from the business. I have been in self-exile ever since. I felt ashamed of myself and isolated myself in the environment around my house, walking, writing and reading, etc. At that time, there was Charlie, our beloved pet dog, to be my company. He was my close friend. After he died, I went out to travel around the world. With the experience which I have built with him, I make friends with pet dogs everywhere as far as I travel. Most of the pet dogs are friendly because that they also like to have people’s attention. Then, we move to a new subdivision and I get to know and make friends with more than 40 pet dogs by remember their names individually. Most of them can answer my whistle. Their owners become my first circle of friends.

Because that I walk on every street in the subdivision, I have some fellow morning walkers attention. I get to know them and some of them even their names. Yesterday, there was this pretty lady of my age came toward me and asked my name. She indicates that I know her name and she doesn’t know mine. We had a good chat about Japan, Syria, and Germany, etc. Finally, I ask her where she lives. She says is on Piping Rock with two red pomegranate trees. It is Carol. I ask her name from Diana, Eli’s owner, to ask her permission to pick the fruit. I call her name each time when I pass by her house and see her. Now, we become friends of the world travel, our common interest. These friends derived from my morning walk have become my new circle of friends.

I also have created a special group of friends while travelling on board of the cruise. I adopted pretty girls working on every ship to be my daughters almost 400 of them. I know them and they are aware of me. Each time when I am aboard, I feel like returning home for a visit.

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