Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Erect a campaign yard sign/Carlos Pueblo


Erect a campaign yard sign/Carlos Pueblo

As the election comes near, some of our neighbors erect campaign signs on their front yards to show their intention to support. I count the Presidential signs daily on my daily morning walk along streets of my neighborhood. I know or can guess whom are those neighbors putting up Biden signs or Trump signs. I live in a county of Democrats yet a State of Republicans.

Out of 498 households, there are 17 Biden signs and 7 Trump signs. It is not a scientific poll at all; however, I can tell the difference strength of supporting in those yard sign. Biden sign usually stands alone while Trump sign is hiding with a bunch of local Republican candidates. After I have my Biden sign erected, people know that I vote Democrats. I have had several arguments with my Republican neighbors and that is very interesting.

The first one is Frank who is Cindy’s husband. He asks me to remove my sign and I ask him the reasons. My favorite Democrat is not Biden yet I don’t like Trump. I have had so many reasons and I write them repeatedly. I believe that Trump gets into the politic is simply for his self-interest and not for the welfare of the nation. He says that Biden will raise the income tax and I don’t care because that I have been unemployed for almost 20 years and I don’t have very much tax obligation. I live within my means.

The next argument is with a group of neighbors on a front yard of a local precinct chair of the Republican Party. I was passing by and invited to join the discussion. There are many signs standing on his yard. I have no limit to criticize Trump. Finally, he tells me to vote for some Republican.

The democratic system is such a wonderful thing in politic that the national leader, the President must be verified by re-election. It is a re-evaluate process to see what the politician has done for the current term on duty.


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