Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Disembark at Stanley, Falkland Islands/Carlos Pueblo

Disembark at Stanley, Falkland Islands/Carlos Pueblo

Finally I got an opportunity to visit this island of historical significance.
We had had a tender service to land at a small pier in front of two
streets of the capital city of the Falkland Islands. There was a military
conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina in 1982 and in the
result of that conflict, the Argentina Junta collapsed. Argentina has been
back to the original political system ever since. Falkland Islands is still
hanging the defacto Union Jack  in the islands.

All the business private or governmental is on the coastal line highway
and the residential area is on the parallel to the first street. Monuments
are spread along the coastline along with statue of Margaret Thatcher
who made the decision for the conflict of 1982. There was also a naval
conflict in 1914, Great Britain versus German Empire. I have stopped twice
at an iron smith shop now a small museum. I had been so impressed for
the precision of tools and the agricultural apparatus which were made
manually at that time. Of course, there were some battery gun laid on
the ground of a small park.

I accompanied with a Turkish sole traveler, an English educated civil engineer
on my way to return to the ship. We selected the second street to see more
details of the residential area. Almost all the residential houses maintain a
nice garden in front of the house and with current model vehicles parking
on the driveway. I can see how well established they are in the lonely islands.
I always am wondering that most of the landlords in England are in the royalty’s
hands and the only way for the proletariat is following the old empire abroad to
American, Australia, and places like Falkland Islands to own thousands of acres
of land easily.

I am so happy to know that the conflict is the main reason of the collapse of the
military junta and to end the brutal 6 years of the dirty war. I have checked on
the Islands, the conflict, and the collapsed of Junta of Argentina and I learn so
much of the current day history, the trials of Junta member in Spain, Henry
Kissinger, Augusto Pinochet in London, French role in the conflict, etc. All of

these in combination with my visit of the Islands makes the trip more interesting.

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