Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Great Britain, current nation of a previous empire/Carlos Pueblo

Great Britain, current nation of a previous empire/Carlos Pueblo

Each time when I hear the disputation of the Senkaku Islands or
the Diaoyudo Islands, I think of the Great Britain, current of
the British Empire, the way they have resolved the identical
disputation of the cod fishing right and the oil exploration right
both at the North Sea with Iceland and Norway by negotiation.
Of course, this also includes the South China Sea. Taiwan and the
U.S., a new Nation and a current World Power are not subject to
my discussion while China is, a current nation of a previous empire
and must behave as a great and civil nation.

Nations of the previous British Empire are still hanging the Empire’s
Union Jack on their national flags nowadays. We can also see various
office buildings such as India Office, South Africa Office etc. around the
Trafalgar Square at Westminster district of London. English are used to
the fact of the diminished United Kingdom and post no threat to use
force to the Scottish independent talk. This is a totality of confidence
and maturity as a nation of previous empire. I don’t even to mention
London and Edinburgh, the only two cities which I have visited, even
the countryside along the railroad  is unique and charming and I wonder
if the British Royalty still owns the mass landscape. It doesn’t really
matter that the Empire has provided abundant lands all over the world
for their citizen interested.

I believe that the U.S. has inherited the British Legal System and followed
through completely which makes the U.S. great. Canada, Australia, New Zealand
, South Africa, India, etc. People of the former colonies are mostly impressed the
Set up of British rules of law. As a Taiwanese of previous Manchu Dynasty, I
Don’t have such feeling toward China and we are not alone.

From with Empire to without Empire, You to Wu in Daoism, the Britain take so
well and I hope eventually the British Colleges pass it to the Chinese students one
of these days.

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