Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Traveling like a wild swan/Carlos Pueblo

Traveling like a wild swan/Carlos Pueblo

Recently I have seen several groups of wild swans flying low across our
subdivision south. It is the fall migration and reminds me the old Chinese
idiom to describe a lone traveler as a small piece of rambling cloud or a
wild swan. There were three such person in the classical Chinese history
which I admire the most, Lao-tzu rode out of the Great Wall on a green
cattle and disappeared; Hsuang-tsang walked to India and back; Ku-tinglin
rode a horse and a donkey to carry his books out of the Great Wall in exile.
Both Lao-tzu and Ku-tinglin are famous philosophers while Hsuang-tsang
is a famous Buddhist monk all in Chinese history.

I travel not physically as a wild swan yet by modern transportation like car,
train, ship, and aircraft. I write my journal as a report of my traveling on two
blog sites for interested to read. Throughout my writing, I have checked on
the history of the township as well as the nations which I have visited; therefore,
I have learned so much and understood some backgrounds which I missed when
I was at schools. For example, I understand much better in the U.S., England,
Germany, France, Japan, Ireland, Spain, Argentina, and so on. This better
understanding of the world history help me to understand the current world
affairs and make up my mind how to live the rest of my life more meaningfully
not just like cloud and swan.

In 10 days, I am going to visit the southern Caribbean including the Netherlands
Antilles which I have already known the reason why the Dutch own them, the
pirates in the Caribbean and the European Industrial Revolution. Dutch used to
own Indonesia and southern Taiwan. I don’t have to worry about what would
happen for those old wild swans when then loss the strength to fly that I only
need to worry myself to keep a health body and sufficient fund to make a trip.

I shall be like that piece of rambling cloud and a lone wild swan.

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