Saturday, November 25, 2017

Visiting old islands of slave trade/Carlos Pueblo

Visiting old islands of slave trade/Carlos Pueblo
After Columbus discovered the America, Caribbean Sea became the legend
of pirate and old islands of slave trade. I am going to visit the southern
Caribbean on a cruise and is recommended by a neighbor to visit a slave
Museum at Aruba. He was from a neighbor nation called Trinidad and
Tobago, of which used to be Spanish then British got it and when Britain
was under German threat became independent. He pointed it out Aruba was
Dutch Slave Trade, the first one among British, Spanish, and French slave trade
In the Caribbean. Very interesting conversation with my neighbors after that I
mentioned my trip plan, another neighbor who was from Venezuela indicated
the Dutch liked to mix and asked me to see myself. I thought of the Inquisition
and didn’t dare to mention here in my blog. Another neighbor indicated that
the fruit Queva of my favorite was actually from nearby Costa Rica. Anyway, I
am more interested in the old slavery into the connection of current day low
minimum wage, labor slave, and migrant worker in the modern world, especially
in China.

According to what I read on Chinese literature, novel or history, the defeated side
of a war became the slave of the side of victory. Slave could be traded like in the
Caribbean or New Orleans markets and the children of a slave family were called
home grown slave. This phenomenon officially prohibited in 1949 when the
Communist took over China, yet until recently Google search still lists China is
slave existed nation. I thought that was because of low wage or poverty until I
heard a story of a Chinese labor returned from Jamaica. We were waiting at
Frankfurt airport for planes. This gentleman was originally from Anhui Province
Not far from Shanghai and he was under a contract which I guessed as a capital
Investment from a Chinese Bank that means a Jamaica project funded by Chinese
and required to hire Chinese general contractor to hire Chinese labor. His general
contractor treated his Chinese labors as slave that what he said and he did give me
horrible details. I felt so sorry for him yet I did listen fully before I boarded my plane
to Heathrow. I asked myself what was happening of Chinese 2nd largest GDP economy
in the world next to the great U.S.

Of course, I must admit that the poverty is still existed in the United States. I don’t
fully understand the reasons why; however, I do see the administration attempting
to solve the issue through welfare system and free education and I also know that
our family must step in to help our own family member to avoid failure. To China,
harassing Taiwan is not the priority of a national regime who is facing so much of
domestic issues such as labor slave, minority conflict, environmental crisis, and

territorial argument with neighboring nations.

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