Sunday, August 26, 2018

Trump is to resign/Carlos Pueblo

Trump is to resign/Carlos Pueblo

Special counsel and the Southern District Court of Manhattan are closing in to
President Trump on various charge of scandal i.e., collusion with Russian, perjury,
violation of campaign finance, tax evasion from sex behavior etc. Trump is to resign
because that he can no longer function as the President of the U.S. or the leader
of the world. As a longtime political observer, I believe that he is negotiating with
parties i.e. the Vice President for the pardon matter or the prosecutors to have a safe
exit procedures. It is so complicate and I am wondering how he can get out of the mess.

The Vice President has his own perjury, lies to the fact of no Russian contact during the
Election. He is hiring lawyers to defend him and raises campaign fund to cover the cost.
Remember Nixon’s VP, Agnew was similar to the situation of Pence. Nixon arranged
Ford to do the pardon job right after his resign way before he was found guilty. This is
The beauty of the American politic, to save face to all party. Trump is still must pay the
tax evasion part of guilty offense because the IRS can’t waive the tax which he owes to
the Federal and also mention less to the State of New York and the New York City, etc.

The State of New York is not a community state as Texas and 7 other States in the U.S.
yet his wife is to divorce him for adultery no matter that how much he wants to cover
up his adultery to protect his family, wife and  children, etc. In Texas, she can file for
divorce for all his money left, if any, after the government and waiting on line with
lien holders and the debtors.

The U.S. economics is better off with a competent President to engage the administration
of national affairs and the World Peace. I am not worried about my retirement funds in
the security market because the market and the U.S. economics are both much stronger
than a single person Trump. The media which is so critical to him will be sorry forever for
the disappearance of subject to criticize everyday 24 hours a day. I shall find something
else to watch every day to fill up my retirement.

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