Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The end of formal diplomacy in Taiwan/Carlos Pueblo

The end of formal diplomacy in Taiwan/Carlos Pueblo

El Salvador, one of the 18 small nations in the Central America, ends her diplomatic
relation with Taiwan recently. It is because of Beijing Chinese effort to severe all of
those 18 international relationship which Taiwan currently has had in order to fulfill
One China policy eventually to swallow Taiwan as a part of China. It is pretty
Complicated to explain how this is occurred. Taiwan is an Island just offshore of
China, used to be a colony of the Dutch, Koshingya Dynasty, Manchu Dynasty,
Japanese Empire, in 1945 at the end of World War II, the U.S. Pacific Command
allowed Chinese Nationalist took over Taiwan. After the Chinese Communist defeated
the Nationalist, Chiang Kai-sek and his exile Central Government exile to Taiwan and
pledged very hard to reconquer China. The U.S. recognized his government as a
nation called the Republic of China as a representative of Chinese Nation and occupied
a seat of UN Security Council until 1977. The ROC was expelled from the UN that year
and the U.S. abandoned the ROC and severe the diplomatic relationship between the
two nations and the rest of the world followed. Chiang’s regime and his followers must
pay certain amount of money to keep those left over small nations relationship. I believe
that the current information released from Taipei indicated the El Salvador’s cost is U.S.$
50 million. El Salvador asks more and China agrees. International order is following money
and the money talks.

I hope that the money saved from this episode for Taiwan can be used to buy more
weapon from the U.S. to please the Republican regime and the defense industry or to
provide internet and notebook computer for every school children in Taiwan. Weapon
modernization can deter the Chinese aggression while computerization in Taiwan can
provide the competitiveness of working power in the future. It is the small nations choice
to switch relationship not the fault of Taiwan and Chinese should step in to help the
developing nations around the world if it so claims prosperous now.

I agree that there is only One China, shouldn’t be two China as Chiang’s Nationalist so
claimed, the Republic of China. What the termination of relationship between Taiwan
and El Salvador is really to end to recognize Taiwan is called the Republic of China.
There are only 17 small nations still recognize the nation called the ROC and I heartily
agree  there is only one China, the one in Beijing called the People’s Republic of China.
Taiwan is Taiwan and Taiwan shouldn’t be messed up with China from the beginning.
One China in Beijing and one Taiwan in Taipei and the Chinese are helping it to be
at the end.

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