Thursday, August 16, 2018

The U.S. welfare program/Carlos Pueblo

The U.S. welfare program/Carlos Pueblo

The U.S. welfare program has been very impressed to me ever since I come to
this nation some 44 years before. Recently, I visited a social security office and
witness long lines and room full of applicants waiting to apply for benefit and I
am touched. Many Chinese Dynasties were toppled by civil unrest and continue
to a peasant war. It is why modern rich nations provide welfare program to buy
time for peace that I am impressed. I see applicants on the office that are
vividly needed help from their appearance; therefore, I know that there are
some other function which the office is provided. Social security program is
a federal insurance which covers the disability, blindness, and minors’ benefit
until 19 in case of early death of a parent, etc. There are different ages of the
mature day for the recipient, 62, 66, 67, and 70 ½ are depended on rules and
regulations. I believe that the Medicare program is also under the same
administrator. Welfare program is under government budget while the social
security benefit and Medicare are funded by recipients while they work and pay
tax accordingly. The U.S. is the only nation provides such programs above for
nations with 100 million population or above, i.e. China, India, Russia, Japan,
Indonesia, and Philippine, etc., because the huge burden. It is one of the reasons
Why immigrants love this nation.

Compassion is a human nature like the feeling when you see a kid drop to a well.
This is what Mencius example of compassion. We know that those poor and disable
are the weak being in the society and we must help them. As a government, we
must do our best, put up our effort to help. However, with governmental help can’t
lift those out of struggling class, in another talking, the welfare program won’t get
forward but buying some time to prepare ourselves to fight the issue.

I was from a poor and struggle family of 9 when I was a child. My research indicates
that my grandparents time was even worse, at that time, Taiwan was a colony of
Manchu Dynasty and Japanese Empire. My Dad won’t mention such misery past
but encouraged us to leave such environment and seek a better opportunity. He
insists a better school education for every child in the family. Before I left Taiwan,
I was a high school teacher. I pass on his discipline as a parent, of course, with Amy’s
help to support our children to have college education and work thereafter. I call this
a family warmness or family value. My son Arthur works at a supermarket and is very
stressful to witness shop lifting on the store and I point it out that people are wasting
their time to engage such behavior to advance to nowhere.  

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