Thursday, January 21, 2021

Monitoring the stock market in January/Carlos Pueblo

 Monitoring the stock market in January/Carlos Pueblo

Monitoring the stock market in January is a kind of indication of the year's up or down, i.e. if the market is up in January may carry the entire year to a up and vice versa. It is also true that there is a rally both in the summer and at the year end. In October, we expect a pull back of stock market. We keep our fingers closed now that there are only nine days left in January and the market is up temporary.

I have relied on the stock performance as my income for the past 20 years as I can't land it to a permanent job. If the market is up at the end of January, I shall have a peace of mind for that year. If it is not up in January, I would hope that the down turn is minimum. Fortunately, after the famous down turn in 2008, the market has been up continuously except a brief scare in March of 2020 due to the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus pandemic out break.

I don't know the reason why the market is still on the up tick and I have no complain. I guess that the investors are betting the high tech industry will carry the rest up. New Biden administration is working hard to keep us away from the recession. I have the confidence in the Democrat and I have always voted for them. I believe that his appointees are more experience and most sincere to serve for the good of the nation. 

I have already had my strategy planned. I borrow money from credit cards to meet my annual expanse and pay them back within the term by my annual requirement minimum distribution. I expect my delaying withdraw will make up my 3% fee of the loan. If the market is up more than that amount, it will be my profit of the year.

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