Sunday, November 27, 2022

My planned family/Carlos Pueblo

 My planned family/Carlos Pueblo

During our family Thanksgiving gathering, I have an opportunity to explain my planned family. I am considered a married late person at age 32 plus and also have my first child late at 35 minus. I meet Michelle's grand mother-in-law Betty at this gathering and she is 76 and her son is 57. I have had my second child Arthur at 37. Both Amy's Dad and my dad were married at age 30 exactly, an age considered very late at that time for men.

I had to go to college in order to defer an Army draft at that time in Taiwan. Then, an infantry was two years draft while the others were three years. If I graduated at a college, I could serve in any unit for one year duty as an ROTC, reserved officer training corp, which was more attractive for a young man at that time; however, the draft rule changed when I was ready to be drafted at age 23, a change back to 2 years services.

I graduated from a teachers university, Taiwan Normal, with a government waived tuition and fees program which I had to teach at a middle school for two years before I could apply to study abroad in order to defer a five years teaching duty to pay back such obligation. I made up my mind to leave Taiwan, I therefore considered that would be easier if I were a single person. It would be better for me just managing my own requirement in compare to carrying a spouse. 

Once I came to the United States, I had to satisfy the academic requirement at the school to study hard to keep my student visa active. That was two years for a master of science program. Lucky me that I failed my Ph.D. program when I was at age 30 plus. I began to work thereafter and took two more years to get married.

Amy and I did plan our family when we married. We had our first child after almost three years later with a satisfied income as an insurance agent. Two years later, we had Arthur. My life have been determined and planned by the society which brought me up in Taiwan. I have done my best and I have come from a long way.

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