Monday, November 21, 2022

A scholarly family/Carlos Pueblo

 A scholarly family/Carlos Pueblo

The definition of a scholarly family into English is something that a family put the education of their children as a priority. Asking their children to have a better school education in order to have a better job is, of course, a priority. I met Ivy Pan on a tender boat trip at Newport, Rhode Island. She used to live at my hometown Huwei, Taiwan half a century ago. She reminded me so much fond memories of our mutual past experience. She is about my younger sister Grace's age and they know each other.

Our fathers were employees of the Taiwan Sugar Plantation, a national enterprise, which produce cane sugar and some by products such as ethanol, animal feeds, and sheet rocks, etc. There was an elementary school inside the residential complex. We have had so much memory about our mutual school teachers at that time. Our fathers were salary men at that economic difficult time yet they believed children's school education priority. They tried every possible way for us to make it to finish college. She has five siblings while we have seven. We all went though such way to finish college education and got the right to apply for graduate studies and immigrated to the United States. We pass on such opportunities to our children. Our children all have their college education finished and build their own careers in the United States. I have seen such experience in the American society qualified to a scholar family in much larger scale through an excellent school systems.

Of course that the U.S. is much large of a nation with plenty of opportunities for anyone to make it not only limited to school study. However, a good school education can provide a learning to get a skill to know the trade, not necessary to be a medical doctor with a good paying income. That of a scholarly family word came from a Chinese novel described a family with the mean to provide children to learn the Confucianism in order to pass the Emperor's national examination for his assignment in his regime. That's the only way through a scholarly training like our children to learn computer technology nowadays.

I watch You Tube programs most of the during my day and some times I go into the rural China and my newly adopted hometown Cebu, Philippine. I love cruises and have adopted many Filipinas as my daughters and granddaughters. I even change my name to Carlos Pueblo, yet I feel very sorry for both Chinese and Filipinos for their lack of a scholarly family environment to break out of their poverty classes. I blame to their political leaders incompetence.

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