Saturday, August 22, 2020

The stock market under the Pandemic/Carlos Pueblo

 The stock market under the Pandemic/Carlos Pueblo

There was a market crash early this year due to the Chinese Wuhan Novel Corona Virus pandemic outbreak. Many people have lost their jobs and business are closed. All indicates that we are in deep trouble of recession or even depression. I was out of my requirement minimum distribution due to a loan to Michelle's purchase of a rental house plus a two credit cards balance transfer loan to make up that loan. However, there was a withdraw account which was wrong that I thought I would have to do it again. The government waives that RMD requirement for this year for the market crash reason; yet I am still concerned. The market is coming nicely and I don't know the reasons. I took the mistaken amount out in order to prepare to pay off the credit card loans before a short break of a stall in the market.

There is something which I don't know even though I really want to know, why the stock market is coming back up so rapidly. I don't see people are going back to the office to work, I don't see that I dare to spend my money and I am in the minimum consumption and not helping the gross domestic product number at all. I shall leave it alone as long as I am all right with my retirement funds to live by. I am up on certain high tech funds, even with a major capital growth funds, and down with two single stocks, one oil and one auto maker stocks. I am taking out my RMD first from the loosing stocks first and leave all my rest savings on the market to help me to earn some money.

I have a goal to live up to age 80 which is not that far away. Based on my basic calculation, I am OK with my social security income, Michelle's mortgage payment, a small miscellaneous income, plus the RMD yearly to be survival. I exercise every day in order to keep a healthy body and a quick death. I am very satisfied with what I have come through. If I can live longer and save more money for my children that will be even more meaningful. 

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